Gen. 4 ~ Chapter 7

Doc had grown tremendously, I felt like an old woman since our youngest child was already crawling. I could say that I had created something beautiful out of something terrible. With my parent’s amazing sacrifices of losing their lives at such young ages and my sacrifice of becoming a ghost to continue our legacy I […]

Gen. 4 ~ Chapter 4

One snowy night Valient asked me if I wanted to grab some blankets, candles and pillows and spend some time in the igloo we made. I couldn’t pass up his romantic gesture and quickly got everything he had asked for. Even though we couldn’t go out on real dates, Valient always came up with ideas […]

Gen. 4 ~ Chapter 3

“Calm down, she’s not here anymore. She told me she couldn’t stay long, but that she needed to tell me what to do with you. She needed you alive, she was crying.” He ran his hand through his hair, his face looking worried. “Where did she come from, why didn’t she want to stay to […]

Gen. 4 ~ Chapter 2

I woke up this morning, my parents on my mind, I missed them terribly. I was thinking about talking to Aunt Cricket today about that odd man I saw her whispering to the other day. When I walked out of my room, however, the odd man was here! I quickly turned on my heel and […]

Gen. 4 ~ Chapter 1

That was the last time I had ever seen dad or mom, dad was dead and mom had disappeared. Before mom disappeared she told me of everything that had happened that they had been keeping from me. I couldn’t believe my parents had given up their lives for me, but apparently I was a very […]