Gen. 9 ~ Chapter 1

My sister and I were devastated to hear the news that our mother was taken to prison. We hadn’t even known that it had happened until the morning after. The police wouldn’t let us see her, because she was going on trial and they couldn’t have anyone see her before that. I had to be […]

Gen. 8 ~ Chapter 7

The cats decided they wanted to start a family of their own, I was perfectly fine with that. I had never experienced having a kitten of my own before and thought it would also be really fun for the girls to experience. Now that Pocahontas was getting older Willow loved to play with her. Sometimes […]

Gen. 8 ~ Chapter 6

I continued with life as normal, even with the shocking news of my most recent pregnancy. I didn’t know how it was possible, we had never not used protection, not even one time! I was scared, alone and pregnant, it was like a recurring nightmare. I knew it wouldn’t be so terrible, because I had […]

Gen. 8 ~ Chapter 5

River answered me and even though I didn’t believe he was real I rushed into his arms and kissed him until both of us were gasping for breath. “You’re here?” I breathed out, not letting him out of my arms. “Yes, I didn’t know you still loved me.” He said, studying my face. “I don’t […]

Gen. 8 ~ Chapter 4

Every so often the baby would kick, it was an amazing feeling. It almost felt like there was a little butterfly in there flapping its wings against my stomach. I really wanted to share this with someone, but I couldn’t tell anyone. It wasn’t even like I had any friends from high school that would […]

Gen. 8 ~ Chapter 3

Dad was completely torn apart and heart broken beyond consoling. I felt so bad for him, he was so in love with my mother and now they would never grow old and see grand children together. I missed mom too, but it was nothing compared to what my father was going through. Cimba was becoming […]

Gen. 8 ~ Chapter 2

“Seriously River, it’s fine, my dad’s asleep. You should stay and hang out with me, lets go in the hot tub.” I said, reaching out to grab his hand but he quickly pulled it away from me. “I’m flattered, but really I shouldn’t be doing this. It just, it’s not safe for you to be […]

Gen. 8 ~ Chapter 1

Hi there, I’m Nala and I’m going to be taking over this writing thing. I’ve never really been much of a writer, but I don’t really have a choice so bear with me here. I’m going to try and give you the events of my life as they happen, even though there aren’t really any […]

Gen. 7 ~ Chapter 9

The kids were growing up so quickly, I feel like Ashley just walked in the door with new baby Cimba in her arms. As Cimba had grown we started noticing the odd scales on his legs, just like what Ashley had except hers were purple. Ashley insisted we didn’t take him to the doctors, saying […]

Gen. 7 ~ Chapter 8

I got so focused on teaching Nala to talk I didn’t even realize how long I had been sitting on the floor with her, until Ashley walked through the door. “There’s my favorite family!” She said enthusiastically as she walked in and sat down next to us. She cradled a brand new baby in her […]