Gen. 2 ~ Chapter 8

Shang had recently met our new neighbor’s daughter, Alexa. We didn’t really know until after the fact, when he was brought home in a cop car for breaking curfew and being seen on the beach late at night with Alexa. We tried to squeeze every drop of information out of him, but it seemed as […]

Gen. 2 ~ Chapter 7

“Son, you have to prepare, we make you heir son.” Youseff was trying to tell young Shang that he wanted him to take over the family line of writing like I do. Of course, he was a little young to understand what Youseff was trying to tell him and I wasn’t even sure if it […]

Gen. 2 ~ Chapter 6

“Youseff, are you ready for this?” Mom asked, gently approaching Youseff as he waited out in the garden for me to walk down the aisle. “Yes, I very excited, you daughter is only one I ever could love like this.” Youseff closed the space between my mother and gave her a hug, she hugged back […]

Gen. 2 ~ Chapter 5

My belly was growing every day, it had become huge in these last few months, the baby would be arriving any day now. Youseff and I had decided to wait a little bit before actually getting married, I wanted to be able to fit in a proper wedding dress. We were also thinking about getting […]

Gen. 2 ~ Chapter 4

It was Ana’s wedding day, I was anxious about the whole day in general. She looked absolutely stunning in her ruffled slightly pink dress. I loved my sister and I would definitely miss her once she moved out with Andre. Even though I would miss her I was excited for her to be married, as […]

Gen. 2 ~ Chapter 2

That was the last we had ever seen of Gus, Tatiana, and Leo. On the way to their new house they had been in a head on collision, they had been killed instantly. None of us could believe that such a happy day would turn into such a devastating time. My brother, his new wife, […]