Gen. 10 ~ Chapter 3


I knew I needed a hobby to keep me somewhat sane while I was here, so I found this guitar in the main room and tried to teach myself how to play. It wasn’t very good at first, but I’ll be here for a while so I’ll have lots of time to learn.

They didn’t really do way too much in the form of treating us. They told us if we could set up goals for ourselves, short term and long term and reach those goals it would help to get us out of here. It wasn’t all that motivational, it wasn’t stopping me from seeing my mother. The only good thing it was doing was keeping me busy and giving me something useful to do with my life.


One of my goals was to have a job and to try to keep it and advance in it. I did manage to find something in the music department, which I was kind of interested in now since I had started learning the guitar. I was only a maintenance man right now, but who knows maybe I would get to meet someone famous one day.


Fires were kind of a regular occurrence here, none of us knew how to cook and a lot of us were forgetful. The food would burn, something would drop and then there would be a fire. We would all just freak out until the fire men came.


I would have to share the guitar with Marcia, she also liked to play and was even worse then I was. I understood why she kept at it though, it was something to learn, something else to focus on, other then the fact that whoever sent us here abandoned us. Yes, maybe we had all done some bad things to get us here, but none of us deserved our families to give up on us.

They sent us here to forget about us, to try to live a normal life without us being such a problem, but maybe what we needed was our families love support and want. I was still very bitter about what my father had said and done, it was just another issue I had I guess.


Michelle had also taken up an instrument, but unlike the rest of us she could actually play. She had played the electric keyboard we had at home a little bit and was able to manipulate this grand piano well. Whenever she played we would gather around her and listen or dance. Michelle was such a gifted girl and I truly loved her as my sister.

I was sad that not only had she been given up as a child but later in life the family that adopted her and told her she would have a forever home, gave her up again, to this asylum. I couldn’t imagine the pain that must have caused her, but I didn’t know how to talk to her about it either.


My first day of work had finally come, it was something I would look forward to. They didn’t really let us out much, but since this was one of my goals they had to make an exception.

It wasn’t all that great of a job, but as I fixed things on the stage I got to hear the musicians practicing.


I wanted to try and become friends with Alec, so I sat down with him to eat.

“Hey, mind if I sit with you?” I asked, before I sat across from him.

“Sure, man, what’s up.” He replied, welcoming me to join him.

“I’m Lumi, I kind of feel like maybe we have some things in common. Do you mind telling me why you’re really here?” I was generally curious as to why Alec thought he was here.

“Oh I’m Alec, ya I mean I had a drug problem for a while. They think it might have messed up my brain a little bit, I just can’t handle life sometimes still without the drugs. My family just couldn’t handle it anymore and my girlfriend told me before we got married I had to at least try to fix all of my issues from the drugs. I really love her and I really want to marry her and be good for her, so I came here willingly to try and get better for her and our relationship.” I never knew Alec had a drug problem, the way the asylum handled us here really didn’t give away anything about any of our problems.

We talked for a little while about my dad and his family and our problems. It was nice to be able to connect with someone here, it was still really hard to be here. Now I had Alec to be able to talk to about things, I was glad that I had been able to talk to him and hoped our friendship would continue.


Michelle was also doing well here in terms of friends. She had also picked up playing the guitar, along with the piano and was very good. She was such a talented young woman, almost anything she put her mind to she was able to do. I still don’t understand how she ended up with an eating disorder.

Since Marcia and her both suffered from a similar disease they were actually becoming close friends. It was nice to see my sister trying to settle in and even make her first friend. Who knows, maybe they could help each other through their problems.

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