Gen. 9 ~ Chapter 7


Wags and Broadway loved Lumi and would always try to include him in their play.


He was growing up so fast, Neil and I were working on his walking skill. I didn’t want to see my little boy all grown up and walking already, but I also couldn’t keep him young forever. One day he’ll be looking back on his life just like I am right now and he’ll be begging his first child not to grow up as well.

It was crazy to think of how far I had come in life, I mean I have two kids now!


I thought back for a moment on that night I was kidnapped by Neil, smoking in the basement he locked me in because I was so nervous. Then arguing with Neil and being scared to death of him, slowly becoming friends with him and ending up cuddling in his private hot tub.


Completely falling for Neil, losing our virginity to each other, then of course finding out we hadn’t known to use protection and there was little Lumi growing inside of me. Just like that we were married and then we moved to our little beach house and welcomed Lumi.

It was a wild ride, but I wouldn’t change a single thing.


After thinking about our past together I went to find Neil and gave him a big smooch.

“What was that for?” He asked, chuckling at my intensity.

“I love you and I want you right now.” I told him, looking up at him with my sexy face on. It just made him laugh some more, but he took my hand and led me out to the hot tub.


“Why don’t we do it right then baby?” He pulled me close to him in the warm bubbling water and untied my bikini from my neck, letting it fall into the water. My breasts were completely exposed, but the hot tub was concealed in the back of the house so no one would see us. I giggled at him and ran my hands through his thick chest hair.

“I’ve missed you.” I whispered to him, pressing my naked chest into him.

“I’ve missed you too, but you know how I feel about another baby, Willow.”

“You shouldn’t though, whatever happens, happens.”


It took a little while, but I finally convinced him that it would be okay. Maybe we would have another baby, maybe we wouldn’t, but it didn’t really matter. All that mattered was that my husband was loving me again and had his confidence restored.


Mrs. Potts had moved with us to the new house, but neither of us knew her days were numbered. We had only been here for about a month before Mrs. Potts sadly passed away.


Our babies were growing up, quicker then I thought was possible. Belle was ready to learn how to use the potty on her own now. They had both unfortunately developed a lot of their father’s birth defect.


We also found out that I was, indeed pregnant and ready to pop any day now.


Thank goodness Neil was there for the entire birth, I’m not sure I could have done it without him.


We ended up with a wonderful little boy, making him our third child. We decided we would name him Gaston, I was absolutely completely in love with him. I was also a little in awe on his skin color, trying to rack my brains of my ancestors wondering where on earth it had come from.


Lumi was no longer a toddling little boy, he was old enough to have a bed and room of his own now. Even with his birth defect I still thought he was absolutely adorable. I loved all three of my amazing children with all of my heart, I never would have thought I would love being a mother this much.

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I would rise early or in the middle of the night if they needed me to. I loved my little ones more and more every day.


That’s not to say Neil didn’t love our babies, he definitely did and spent a lot of time with them as well.


Of course, we also loved to be husband and wife together.


My beautiful family and I had the perfect life together.


Neil and I had been talking about another baby and he told me he would love another one but not one of his. I didn’t know what he meant by that and asked him to explain, he told me he would be completely open to adopting a child that needed a good home.


Since we had plenty of space and I really wanted another child I called the adoption agency and asked if they could send us a little girl that had been there for a while.


They sent us this lovely little red head named Michelle, she instantly hit it off with Lumi and they spent a lot of time together.


It was great that now Lumi had someone his own age to play with and love as a sibling. Yes Belle was close in age with him, but she wasn’t old enough yet to go outside and play with him or even really play much inside with him.

We loved having Michelle here with us and were also very happy that she wouldn’t have to spend any more time in the orphanage waiting for a family to adopt and love her. We would always love her and she would have a home here with us forever.


Belle was learning to walk, life here was going by quick now that we had a full house. Neil and I loved every second of it and we were also very happy that neither of us had to work and could stay home all day and enjoy our wonderful family.


Gaston was growing up, he hadn’t really developed too many of Neil’s looks, except for his large pointed ears. We would just have to wait and see, for now he was a happy little baby boy.


Michelle seemed to really love it here, we had given her a room of her and she had taken to the easel we had placed in there. She was a great painter for a little girl.


Lumi was also quite artistic and loved to create snowmen out of the large amounts of snow we were getting.


Belle was old enough now to have a room of her own now and even play with the big kids. She was a great little girl and I was happy we had adopted Michelle because now Belle had a big sister she could look up to and have as a forever part of her life.


All that was left to grow up now was our little baby Gaston. I was sad to see all of my babies growing up, but I was also very proud and excited to see what they would become in life.


Even though we weren’t trying and didn’t really want another child I found out I was pregnant again. Whether or not it was planned didn’t matter, we were going to be happy and welcome this new baby into the family with smiles on our faces. This was a wonderful new blessing to our ever growing family.

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