Gen. 10 ~ Chapter 1


My mother was gone, gone, gone, GONE! I had to get that through my head, but I didn’t want to believe it no matter how many times I said it to myself. I hit the gas in the red speedster mom had left behind, flying down the wet pavement. I didn’t have a destination in mind, I was just driving because it was the only thing I could do.


Mom and dad had just found out they were going to have another baby and were really happy about it. We were all happy about it, we had such a good and awesome family that adding another to it would just make it better. That’s what we had all thought anyway and no one had seen any of this coming.

I could just tell you my mother got into a car accident and died, but that wouldn’t be true. My mother was going to pick up some things for the new baby before it came and was driving by herself. I was at school, along with Michelle and Belle. Dad had stayed home to be with Gaston and mom told him she’d only be a little while anyway, so not to bother getting Gaston ready and coming along.

If dad had known what would happen to mom in that car things would have been a lot different. Dad, of course, had no way of knowing what would happen and let mom leave just like that. Dad was the last person to see mom alive.


Mom was driving along, not doing anything wrong when it happened. The drunk bastard ran a red light and hit mom head on at a high speed. Mom didn’t even have time to know what happened, she was found dead at the scene. The drunk guy that hit her drove off, just left her there to die. He didn’t try to help, didn’t even call 9-1-1, let me tell you if I ever find out who he is I’m going to murder him myself.

My mother is dead, the baby she was carrying is also dead. They couldn’t save either of them, my mother is DEAD!


None of us are really doing that well from this whole thing. Mom was our rock, she held the whole family together. She was the one who made this an awesome happy family, without her the rest of us fell apart.

Belle was the only one who had any sense to her and was able to take care of Gaston. Gaston was still young enough that it didn’t impact him as hard as it did the rest of us. I knew Belle must be hurting too, but I couldn’t help her. I was buried in grief.


Michelle had been rushed to the hospital multiple times now, because of her eating disorder. She looked like a skeleton now, she wasn’t the same girl I had grown up with. Along with her missing body, there was also her missing brain. She wasn’t the same at all on the outside or the inside. It was like the Michelle I knew had also been swallowed up by the monster of grief.


I was just as gone as she was, I would have long conversations with my mother, who was dead. I would talk to her, I would see her right in front of me like she had never left.


My father would yell at me that there was no one there, he would take a picture like this one and try to show me that she wasn’t there. I really believed she was, however, it made perfect sense in my head. If I told anyone, though, they would tell me I was crazy.


Dad wasn’t doing any better then the rest of us, he would have to stop what he was doing as a wave of grief hit him. He would just burst into tears right there, no matter where there was. He couldn’t handle any of us kids, he could barely handle himself. Mom was everything to him, yeah he loved all of us too, but he couldn’t live without my mother. My mother could have lived without him, it would have been hard don’t get me wrong but she would have picked up the pieces and helped all of us kids too. Dad just couldn’t do that, though, he was too focused on his own grief monster to ever worry a second about any of us.

He decided to send us away, he couldn’t deal with my crazy talking or Michelle not taking care of herself. He let Belle and Gaston stay with him, because Belle was taking care of everyone. Michelle and I were headed to an asylum, however, like a place they send crazy people. I didn’t think we were crazy, I knew we weren’t, I just knew we were all so weighed down by my mother’s death we couldn’t continue with life as normal anymore, but that didn’t make us crazy.

Dad didn’t have the ability to listen anymore and told us that it was for our own good, even though it didn’t seem like it. He did tell us he loved us and then that was it. We had to go.

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