Want to Know What Happens Next?

To find out what happens next please visit A Changed Heir Prettacy This is the first legacy I have successfully finished! I just couldn’t part with my disney family because I’ve had so much fun with them and have really fallen in love with them through the story I’ve created. I have come to the […]

Gen. 10 ~ Chapter 4

I had been painting lately on my days off from work, it was a really nice little hobby. I didn’t want a hobby though, I just wanted my life back. Everyone was becoming friends, it would be sad if anyone actually finished their treatment and got discharged. My sister would usually make a giant plate […]

Gen. 10 ~ Chapter 3

I knew I needed a hobby to keep me somewhat sane while I was here, so I found this guitar in the main room and tried to teach myself how to play. It wasn’t very good at first, but I’ll be here for a while so I’ll have lots of time to learn. They didn’t […]

Gen. 9 ~ Chapter 7

Wags and Broadway loved Lumi and would always try to include him in their play. He was growing up so fast, Neil and I were working on his walking skill. I didn’t want to see my little boy all grown up and walking already, but I also couldn’t keep him young forever. One day he’ll […]