Gen. 9 ~ Chapter 6


I had been drinking from Neil again, it was definitely a good sign that I was pregnant again. He didn’t seem to mind at all with me sucking on his neck, he trusted me and that was a great feeling.


I don’t think I would mind having another baby, I loved Lumi with all my heart and it was no trouble at all to take care of him. He added so much more joy to my life and I loved having him as a part of our family. It would probably be nice for Lumi to have a sibling anyway, I know how much I loved having my sister, Pocahontas around.


I didn’t have to wait long to find out I was for sure expecting again, I couldn’t take it anymore and had gone to the doctor. I came home with some new maternity jeans and a shirt that would show off my belly, I was definitely pregnant again and I couldn’t be more thrilled this time.

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Mrs. Potts really helped out with the cleaning and baby sitting Lumi if Neil or I ever needed to go out. It was lovely to have her around, but it also really made me miss my family.


I had begun to show now and wanted to see if I could go see my mother and sister. I hadn’t seen my mother since I was 18 and I hadn’t seen my sister since my wedding. I had wanted to see Pocahontas sooner, but with the move and baby Lumi things just got so crazy it slipped my mind.


Mom had invited me to her Halloween party, but I didn’t feel like finding a costume that would fit my big pregnant belly so I just didn’t dress up.

“Mom?” I asked as I walked up to what was once my house.

“Willow, is that really you? Oh my goodness your pregnant?” Mom ran to me and threw her arms around me, I had really missed my mother. “Come inside, please, goodness where are my manners?” She looped her arm through mine and led me into the house.


“How are you? Pocahontas told me what happened, I am so sorry I put you girls through all of this.”

“Mom, it’s okay it all worked out for the better. I’m married now and this is my second child I’m pregnant with.” I grinned at her, proud of myself and the life Neil and I had created.

“You’ll have to catch me up, love, I’ve missed you so much! You’re going to have to visit us more often you know and I want to meet my grand babies!”

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After mom and I caught up for a while I went to go find Pocahontas, we had a lot to catch up on as well.

“How are you, how’s the baby?” Pocahontas greeted me, a confused look crossed her face as she looked down at my swollen belly. “But I thought you would have had the baby months ago?” She asked, her eyes still on my stomach.

“I’m pregnant again, I had a baby and then it just happened again.” I told her, not able to help the smile spreading onto my face.

“Oh, Willow, that’s great news!” She exclaimed, pulling me into a hug and asking all about the new baby.


I had a wonderful time with my family, you don’t realize how much you need them until you’re with them again. Yes I did have my own family now, but it was still wonderful to be with my mom and sister.

As I was walking home from my mother’s house I went into labor. I couldn’t believe it was already time, we weren’t expecting this baby for another month yet. I started to panic a little bit, what if I had this baby right here in the middle of no where?


I needed to be home and fast, I jumped in our boat and sped my way back home. I was in excruciating pain the whole way, but I finally made it. As soon as I parked to boat I started yelling for Neil.


Neil was able to get me inside quickly enough before out came our beautiful new baby girl! I was so thankful I had gotten home in time and hadn’t given birth right there in the boat or on the street, this baby sure was unpredictable.


We named our little princess Belle and again Neil got me all settled in bed and told me not to worry that he had the children under control. He was such a wonderful husband.


Lumi had taken on most of Neil’s features, which Neil thought was very unfortunate due to his birth defect. I tried my best to reassure him that it would be okay and we just couldn’t change these things, but he truly felt as though he had ruined little Lumi’s life already.

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Broadway and Wags were out growing our little get away house, along with our growing family. Neil and I decided it might be time to look into a bigger house.

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We had the boat transfer all our personal belongings and a limo take the whole family to our new house. It was going to be a big adjustment, but hopefully the space would be much more functional.


The house was magnificent! We used most of our savings to build it, but it was worth it.

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In the back yard we built a great space for the children to play once they were old enough and even put in a hot tub for the adults.

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It was truly a dream house, I was so thrilled we had been able to customize every square inch of it. I could see us raising a big family in this home, life was really just getting better and better.

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The kids settled right in to their new spacious nursery and with all this space it was really making me think another child was possible. I loved my children so much and I really wanted a big family, the only problem was Neil didn’t want to pass on his genes to any more children. I felt so terrible that he was feeling this way about himself and wasn’t sure what I could do to change his mind, but I knew that I had to.

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