Gen. 9 ~ Chapter 5


As I walked out of the house, to the spot we had our first dance I saw him, standing and waiting for me. He looked amazing, compared to his previous body shape. It was like he had completely transformed. It was a happy day for me, I knew I was completely in love with this man, but I wished we had gone about everything differently. There was no sense dwelling on the past, however, so I quickly let the thought slip out of my mind and closed the gap between Neil and I.


I got up behind him and waited a second for him to turn around, but he stayed staring at the wall. He must be nervous, just like me.

“Watcha thinking about?” I asked. He must have really not known I was there, because he jumped a little at the sound of my voice then quickly turned around.


“You look, amazing.” He breathed, as his eyes traveled all over me.

“Not fat right?” I questioned, looking down at my non existent baby belly.

“Not one bit.” He put his hands on my belly and leaned his forehead into mine. “This is the best day of my life, Willow, you are the most precious thing in the world to me now.”

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We exchanged our vows, rings and shared a few magical kisses and that was that. It wasn’t like I dreamed as a little girl, but now that it was done I knew this was better.


When Neil and I turned around and came out of our daze we noticed Pocahontas crying behind us, I had forgotten she was even watching until now.

“That was the most intimate and beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, you guys really are in love.” She ran to me and threw her arms around my back. She gave Neil a look like he might hurt her, but then decided he must be alright and she welcomed him into her embrace as well.

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Once Pocahontas had gone home, Neil led me to his bed and pulled me onto it with him.

“I’m so glad I found you instead of your mother that night, fate knew we were meant to be together.” Neil told me as he pulled me into his arms. What happened after that I’ll have to leave to your imagination. It was very special and very new and I loved every second of it.

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Since we were going to be starting a family I gently asked Neil if we could get a different house. The mansion was no place to raise a baby, I wanted somewhere I could relax when I wanted to and somewhere I could see outside. Neil surprised me and bought the house my grandparents had first started their family in. I know this because of reading their chapter of the legacy, I had never actually been there in person before.

It was beautiful, looking over the water nestled far enough away from the neighbors where they couldn’t be nosy. I loved it, this would be the perfect place to raise our baby.


Time went by quickly in our new house, my stomach had grown a considerable amount since the wedding. I chose to tie my shirt up so you could fully see my belly all the time, I was coming to really like seeing it. Even though when I found out I was pregnant I wasn’t really ready for the baby, that had changed in a heart beat. Neil and I were both so excited to meet our little baby for the first time.


Wags and Broadway were still best of friends and were adjusting to the new house very well. Wags loved to be outside and it was a very hard task to keep him clean.


Neil loved feeling my belly, I think he wished he was pregnant so he could feel the baby inside of him. It was really sweet the way he was acting and I was really happy with my new husband.


Since being pregnant my vampire ways had become a lot stronger and I decided to ask Neil if I could borrow him for a drink. I didn’t want to have to resort to this, but I knew I could make myself stop and I also knew I couldn’t just walk up to someone on the street and suck their blood. Neil was very understanding about it and let me try it, he figured that if I couldn’t stop he was strong enough to safely make me stop.


It turned out very well, I was able to control myself enough to only take what I needed. This man was just so perfect for me, I swear I fall more in love with him every day.

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When everything’s going well in your life and you’re happy, time goes by so quickly. One day as I was walking down the hall I felt that something was not right. Somehow my motherly instinct kicked in and I soon realized I was in labor.


I gave birth at home to a healthy baby boy, who we named Lumiere. I couldn’t believe we had created this tiny baby, he had a perfect blend of both mine and Neil’s skin tone. I couldn’t wait for him to grow up a little more so we could see what other features he had of ours. My mother had never told me what an amazing thing it was to have your own child.


I was so thankful for Neil’s support, he told me to rest and that all would be taken care of with baby Lumi.

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It wasn’t long until Neil and I were back in the swing of things, romantically that is. We would flirt, touch, kiss and one thing would lead to another which would usually lead to our bed. It was a lovely life to live, neither of us needed jobs thanks to the huge fortune left to me and Neil, so we were free to do whatever we wanted all day.

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Either our time was spent loving each other or our time was spent loving our new baby. I couldn’t believe how life had taken such a turn for me. I had been on a roller coaster since Neil had kidnapped me, but I was very glad he did. He was everything to me now, well him and Lumi.


I had been having a lot of stomach sickness lately, I didn’t think it was possible to have a baby this soon after just having Lumi but I guess you never know. I decided I would just keep an eye on it, I mean what’s the sense of going to the doctor just for them to tell me it’s just a stomach flu right?

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