Gen. 9 ~ Chapter 4


It turned out that my worries were all for nothing, Neil dressed up in a lovely tux and sat across the table from me. We had easy, fun, conversation all through Mrs. Potts’ meal, then he asked me to join him downstairs.

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When I came down the stairs he surprised me by taking me outside, where there was a light and record player set up. He asked me to dance with him and we had a magnificent time. By the end of the dance I even decided I wanted to kiss him again, so I did. It was even better then the first time, this time I really enjoyed it and didn’t come away feeling confused.

I was confused, however, when Neil took my hand for balance and squatted to the ground.


Right there, that very night he proposed to me! Like to get married! I was overcome with so many emotions and instantly said yes, not even having time to think about my decision.


I went inside and changed after Neil proposed and was all ready to go to sleep until I wondered if maybe I should sleep in his bed tonight. I threw on my clothes and went to his room to see if he was there. Neil was sitting on his bed not looking in my direction.

“Neil, I was wondering if I could stay with you tonight?” I asked, timidly creeping into his room.

“Sure.” He replied, turning around and welcoming me to join him on his bed.

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Lets just say we didn’t really do much sleeping that night.

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We spent our days playing chess, loving each other and enjoying time in the hot tub. It was a wonderful life, but there was something missing. I still wished my family was with me, or that I could at least see them on a regular basis. I never worked up the courage to ask Neil, so it went to say, I still had yet to see my family. I wondered if my mother was still in jail for something she didn’t do, and how my little sister was handling everything all by herself.


Life went on the same for a while, until I found out I was pregnant. With everything being so new and both of us being virgins and completely un-knowing of the sexual world it was no wonder I had turned out pregnant. I had never thought about having to be safe, or about having a child. I was barely eighteen years old when Neil took me and I had never had any interest in dating or boyfriends. I had no idea what I was going to do, but I knew I was in no place to be raising a helpless baby or to be having one for that matter. I didn’t know what to do, how could I just make this go away? Was there a way to do that, if so I didn’t know it.


I decided that the best thing for me to do was to just tell Neil, I needed someone to help me through this and he was all I had right now. I found Neil in his bedroom and knew I needed to just come right out and tell him what was going on. I wondered if he would know what to do any better then I would. He hadn’t even had parents growing up, I was a little better off then he was in that sense.

“Neil, we have to talk.” I said, coming up behind Neil not quite knowing how to word what I needed to say.

“Sure, I’m always here for you.” He said, turning around to look at me.

“There’s no easy way to say this, but I’m scared and alone and you’re all I have right now.” I reached out for him and latched onto his hand, forcing myself to look straight into his eyes for this next part. “I’m pregnant, Neil, with a baby, your baby, it’s inside of me.” After I had got the sentence out I quickly looked to the ground, embarrassed.


“It’s okay, don’t be upset. It could be something a lot worse then that.” He said, wrapping his arms around my waist. “We’ll get through this together, as husband and wife.” He whispered into my hair as he kissed my neck over and over again.


Neil was right we were going to get through my pregnancy together as husband and wife. We put together a small ceremony, bought a wedding dress that would fit my growing belly and had Mrs. Potts help with the food.

“Mrs. Potts, are you sure I look okay? Do I just look fat, I want him to really like it.” I confided in Mrs. Potts, she had basically raised Neil and knew him better then anyone in the world. She would know exactly what he would or wouldn’t like.

“Sweetheart, you look breathtaking, absolutely like an angel!” She exclaimed, rushing to me and urging me to do a spin for her. I was so nervous, I wasn’t sure if I should even be getting married but now that we had a baby on the way we needed to be a real family and get married.


Neil surprised me by inviting my sister, Pocahontas, to our wedding. It was just going to be him, Mrs. Potts and me, but then as I walked down the stairs Pocahontas came running through the door.


I couldn’t believe my eyes, my little sister was alive and well. She was alright she was here! I rushed to her throwing my arms around her and pulling her close to me.

“I never thought I would see you again.” She told me as she squeezed me to the point of almost breaking me.

“I’ve missed you every single day and worried about you, how are you?” I asked, pulling back from her so I could look her over for any sign of anything being wrong with her.


“I’m fine, I’ve just missed you so much.” She replied, dropping her arms from me to take a good look at my wedding dress. “Why are you getting married, why did you get taken? What’s going on, are they forcing you to get married?” She asked me a million questions all at once, but I couldn’t blame her. I had just disappeared one day, with no explanation and no sign of where I might have gone.

“I’ll explain everything, but first, the most important thing!” I couldn’t hold it in any longer I had to tell my baby sister that I was having a baby of my own.


“I’m having a baby, I’m pregnant!”

“NO! How, what? Congratulations!” She grabbed me and hugged me again, not needing a long explanation to be happy for me.


“Can I feel it?” She asked, reaching out for my small, but still slightly protruding belly. I tried to stick it out as far as it would go so she would have a little something to feel.

“It’s amazing, alright spill!” She squealed, pulling me to sit down. I told her every single detail of everything that had happened since I last saw her. Finishing by telling her that I was in love with Neil, I don’t even know how it happened but I knew I loved him.


Neil had been swimming a lot to get himself more in shape for our wedding, he looked amazing. He was trim and toned and very strong, I was very impressed with his new body.

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