Gen. 9 ~ Chapter 2


“Sir, may I talk to you a moment?” Mrs. Celia Potts asked her now boss.

“What is it?” He gruffly responded, not really wanting to be bothered.

“I think you may have got the wrong girl. You see the girl down stairs says she’s Willow and her mother Nala was put in jail, that would be why Nala wasn’t at the house. I think the girl is telling the truth, she’s much too young to be Nala and she honestly doesn’t have any idea who River is. That would make sense too, because River’s children have no idea who he is he never stayed around long enough for them to get attached.”

“You’re making no sense, I couldn’t have been wrong. That is NALA!” He bellowed at her, finally losing his cool. He really, really, didn’t like to be wrong. “Wait, you’ve been talking to her, you’ve been down there?! NO!! You are forbidden to see her ever again, unless I otherwise say so! Do you understand?!”

“Y-Yes, sir, sorry sir.”


Mrs. Potts came down to see me whenever she could and would always make sure I had some kind of food for the day. One day she came down and told me that if I behaved and promised I wouldn’t try to get away she would have a grand feast for me. My belly rumbled in reply and I knew I should go with her, even just to get out of my dark prison.


We came up the ladder into a beautiful room, I wondered if there was more then just Mrs. Potts and that terrible man living here.

“This is so beautiful, who lives here?” I asked, my jaw dropping as I turned around the room.

“Oh, this old thing? Well, this is my room, dear.” Mrs. Potts bashfully replied.


“Here we are, dear, the grand dinning room. You are in for a real treat, I never get to cook this way anymore!” She exclaimed, a big smile spreading across her pudgy face.

“This room is amazing, the whole house is, well what I’ve seen of it anyway.”

“Boss is out for the day, after you get a good meal in you why don’t you explore the house a little? Before I have to put you back in that dungeon, stretch your legs a little.” The smile was still on her face as she led me over to one of the grand chairs.


Mrs. Potts put a plate of steaming food in front of me, it looked absolutely divine. Not just because it was amazing food, but because I hadn’t had a real meal in almost a month now. I had been trying to keep track of how long I’d been here, but it was hard. I was thinking I was here for almost a month now, so that was what I was going with.


After I had completely stuffed my belly with Mrs. Potts’ wonderful cooking I went to explore the huge house a little more. The first room I came to was the perfectly decorated bathroom, I had never seen a bathroom so wonderful before. It wasn’t like I was poor as a kid either, but this was just spectacular.


My favorite room was the library, of course, I loved books and could sit there all day with one.


The stone front door was ajar so I decided I would try and go outside. I wasn’t sure if he was a guard dog, or if he was friendly until he came right up to me wagging his tail. He led me around to the back of the house, the view was amazing. The house sat on top of a cliff that slopped off into the ocean, this place just kept getting better and better.


“Hey! What are you doing out here!” That familiar gruff voice said behind me. I whipped around and sure enough the beast man was standing behind me.

“I j-just wanted a little a-air.” I managed to stutter out.

“NO!” He yelled, then snatched me by my wrist and dragged me inside.


“You stay here!” He bellowed at me.”

“You can’t keep me here forever!” I yelled back, finally finding some courage.

“You stay as long as I say you stay!” He yelled, swiftly turning and making his way up the ladder.


I was alone again, at least Broadway was with me. I pulled out another cigarette and took a long drag, thinking of my poor baby sister all alone at home.


It had been a full day that I had been locked down here, alone, without any food. I could get water through the sink that was part of the “bathroom” in the corner, but I was starving. I wondered if they weren’t going to bring me food now, since the beast found me outside. I was scared, I was trying to come to terms with the fact that I was probably going to die down here.


The next day the beast came down the ladder and started to talk to me.

“What is your name?” He asked, sounding gentler then usual.

“W-Willow Lowel.” I stuttered out, he still made me too nervous to speak around.

“Where is Nala Lowel and River?” He asked, a deep frown setting into his hideous face.

“Nala is my mother, she was taken to jail almost a year ago. I haven’t heard from her since they took her, I don’t know who River even is.”


“But you lived in that house!” He yelled at me, his sudden good mood changing in the blink of an eye.

“Well yes, I am her daughter!” I decided to yell back at him, I mean, how could you kidnap the wrong person?

“I believe you.” He said, his body relaxing as he took a step back from me.

“R-Really?” I couldn’t believe my ears, maybe he would let me out of here and I could go back to my poor sister.


“Yes, you are free to go anywhere you’d like in the house, just not outside.” I couldn’t believe he was letting me out of this prison, I wondered for a minute if maybe it was a trap.

“Can I go eat?”

“You’re free to go anywhere in the house, like I said.” He started climbing the ladder and motioned for me to follow him.

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