Gen. 9 ~ Chapter 1


My sister and I were devastated to hear the news that our mother was taken to prison. We hadn’t even known that it had happened until the morning after. The police wouldn’t let us see her, because she was going on trial and they couldn’t have anyone see her before that.

I had to be the responsible big sister and take care of Pocahontas, she’s in the picture above. It was a good thing we were such good friends, because we both really needed someone to lean on.


I was different then other people, everyone seemed to really like me but at the same time really fear me. It was an odd combination, but I didn’t really have a lot of friends. There was no one that I could confide in and trust, other then my baby sister.

I liked to read, I loved to just get lost in another world without having to leave my own. I wrote a bit too, I usually wrote about the life I wish I had.


One night after Pocahontas went to bed I was getting ready for bed myself, when a huge ugly beast ran into my room.

“Don’t you dare scream.” He said, in the deepest gruffiest voice I had ever heard. I wanted to scream, but no sound would come out of my mouth. Was this really happening, or had I gone to bed hours ago and was now dreaming this whole thing up.


“You’re coming with me.” He said, again surprising me with the sound of his voice. I went to slide across the bed before he got to me, but he was too quick. Even though he was large he was really fast, he grabbed me around the waist and hoisted me over his shoulder. Before I could even take in a breath he was running through the front door with me, had I just been kidnapped?


A little while later the scary beast put me down inside of a beautiful home.

“Don’t stop to smell the roses, you’re coming with me.” He said, roughly grabbing my hand and pulling me with him.


I had one quick peek at the room before he pulled me out of it and it was immaculate. I had never even imagined a house this grand and perfect.


He climbed down a long ladder with me flipped over his shoulder, then put me down again by a bed.

“This is where you will stay, don’t think about escaping because you won’t.” With that, he climbed back up the ladder and put a heavy door in place. When I heard the latch slide into place I knew it would be hard for me to escape.


The room he had left me in was big, but the only things in it were bathroom necessities and the bed.


Broadway had snuck along with me as I was being kidnapped and I was grateful for his company. He was the only thing I had left of home and I snuggled him close to me, wishing my sister knew where I was.

Poor Pocahontas would be scared and alone in our mother’s house, now not only waiting for mom to come home but for me too. I wish I had been able to just tell her I had been taken, not that I had just up and left her. I was scared for my baby sister, I hoped she would be able to talk to mom soon so she wouldn’t be completely alone in the world.


Whenever I got nervous or needed to think straight I smoked, lucky for me my cigarettes were in my pocket.

Had I really just been kidnapped? I really hope this is all just a dream and I’ll wake up back in my bed, make breakfast for Pocahontas and laugh about my silly dream.


I decided I would try and pass the time a little and read one of the books I had on me. It was one of my favorite books, I had read it so many times already.


Little Broadway didn’t seem to notice we had been kidnapped and was making himself right at home playing on the floor.


I heard the door above me open and an old woman started climbing down the ladder. Remembering Broadway was on the floor and thinking they probably wouldn’t be happy to see him I threw my book aside and lept out of bed.


The woman had already gotten down the ladder when I got over to Broadway, I was too late.

“Oh what a darling little guy we have here.” She cooed, her voice sweet and caring. She bent down and offered Broadway her hand, as she gently stroked his little head. “And who do we have here?” She asked, looking up at me from where she crouched on the floor. “He’s been looking for you for a while you know.” She said, as if I had introduced myself.

“W-Who?” I squeaked out, walking over to where Broadway was purring on the floor. I gently nudged him behind me with my foot, not sure what the old woman would do with him.

“Oh don’t worry dear, I won’t hurt him, I won’t hurt you either. Boy, you must be frightened half to death!” She exclaimed, looking straight into my eyes. “Are you hungry, dear?” She asked, turning into a motherly woman all at once. I didn’t know what to do, I had so many questions but I didn’t know what to ask first. “You are, aren’t you? Let me go get you something, you just wait here.” She told me, before I had a chance to speak. She turned around and worked her way back up the ladder, latching the door at the top.


She soon returned and brought a slice of toast with a helping of jelly on top.

“It’s all I can offer you for now, dear, but soon I’ll bring you more.”

“Can you let me go home?” I asked timidly, finally engaging in some conversation with the kind woman.

“Oh no, that’s not up to me unfortunately.” She said, her shoulders slumping as she delivered the news.

“Why am I here?” I tried again, wondering how much I could get out of her.

“Well, the boss doesn’t like what River has done and well it’s complicated between them. You’ve helped River though, you gave him a nice place to stay and kept him safe for a while and that really upset the boss. He’s going to use you as bait, to catch River once and for all. I’m sorry you have to be involved with this, but you’ve just gotten involved with the wrong man.”

“Wait, what? Who’s River?” I asked, dumbfounded by what she had just said. I had never in my life met someone named River, was this lady crazy?


“Oh, dear, don’t try and act dumb on this, it’ll do you no good. What is your name, by the way, I want to have something to call you by.”

“I’m Willow.” I said, still shocked by the news she had told me.

“Willow, wait a second, you’re not Nala?”

“Nalas my mother, but she’s in jail right now.” I said, wondering what any of this meant.

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