Gen. 8 ~ Chapter 4


Every so often the baby would kick, it was an amazing feeling. It almost felt like there was a little butterfly in there flapping its wings against my stomach. I really wanted to share this with someone, but I couldn’t tell anyone. It wasn’t even like I had any friends from high school that would be there for me, I was always made fun of and never had one friend. I really considered calling Sarabi and asking her to live with me, but I didn’t want to hurt dad by having her live here with me and she was still so young I wasn’t sure if she would understand. Cimba would be a good choice, but I was scared he would be so mad at me for being with River that he would hate me for the rest of my life.


I was glad that I at least had Sparrow now, he was a great little companion. I tried my best to take very good care of him and we were becoming fast friends.

I had gone out yesterday to try and find a job, but everyone told me that if I was already pregnant they couldn’t hire me. I didn’t have any money and that was fine if it was just me, but I had a little one on the way and I didn’t have any of the proper baby things that I needed. I couldn’t have told dad to make sure there was a room in the house for a nursery and fill it with all the baby things I would need. I figured I would just get a job and pay for it that way, but it looked like I would have to make money some other way.


I took up sculpting, I had told dad when he was having the house built I had always been interested in it and he had generously placed a whole sculpting station in the house for me. If I had known I wouldn’t be able to get a job I would have asked for an easel, since I had a lot of experience painting but this would have to do.


Every night Sparrow would curl up on the bed beside me. Since we were starting to get closer, he was starting to show me that he was liking me more. I was happy that I had won over my adopted cat, maybe that was a good sign that I would be able to raise a baby.


I had done a celebrity promotional thing and earned a little money, I bought this rocking chair with it. I would sit in it and picture myself holding my new little baby in my arms, maybe even singing it a lullaby. I was really starting to get excited about this baby, I still wasn’t sure how I’d do as a new mother by myself but it was an exciting thing.


With the extra money I was also able to buy an easel, it would be much easier now for me to make a little more money. I still hadn’t bought a crib or put carpet down in the baby’s room, so I need to hustle and get to painting.


All the sudden one day I looked down and noticed that I had really popped!

I was starting to feel really bad about not including my family in this, yes they might be angry at me but I knew they’d still want to be a part of the baby’s life, right? I was really considering breaking down and calling them, but something stopped me. I had done all of this, been away from my family for this long and struggled to make money to live off of for what? Just to admit defeat and invite my family to come hate me forever. No matter how badly I wanted to have my family as a part of this, I just couldn’t bring myself to invite them.


Sparrow had been spending a lot of time by himself lately, hunting. I loved that my cat was a hunter, but I didn’t want him to get lonely once the baby came and I had to give it a lot more of my attention.


Because I was worried about Sparrow being lonely, I adopted this orange what looks to be a tabby cat. She was a mix and had been abused, then rescued by the animal shelter and they were looking for a loving environment for her. I loved that I could help an animal in need and provide a friend for Sparrow at the same time. She didn’t have a name yet so I named her Soleil.


Before I even thought it was possible I went into labor, I was so nervous I didn’t know if I was going to be able to get myself to the hospital. I couldn’t very well stay here, of course, and have the baby on my own, but it was so painful I didn’t know how I was even going to walk.


I managed to get myself out the door and into the car dad had insisted I have, just in case, I was so thankful dad had been so worried and bought it for me. I didn’t know how else I would have made it to the hospital, except by ambulance and I didn’t want to have to go through that.


The hospital released me just a day after having my little girl. It was rough on me to go through everything alone and I was really missing my family by the time I was done. I know I shouldn’t be letting myself think about missing them, because now I had a new family. It would be just me and my little girl from now on.


The first thing we did when we got home was rock to sleep in the rocking chair I had saved up for.

Please welcome my beautiful daughter who weighed 6 pounds and  4 ounces and already has her daddy’s skin and is reminding me of him. This is the adorable Willow and I promise to always love her and be there for her, no matter what.


I had been looking at jobs in the newspaper lately and decided it would be best for Willow if I just became self employed. I would be a self employed painter, so I could always be home to raise Willow and be there for her.


One night I had already put Willow to bed and just finished up eating dinner, I was going to paint until I was tired enough to sleep. I walked into the room which held my easel and the rocking chair and glanced over at the rocking chair as I put a canvas up on the easel.

I thought to myself I had to be dreaming, Willow was safely snuggled in her crib right now and there was no way River would have been able to find me. None the less here River was, sitting in my rocking chair with Willow nestled under his strong arm. I was scared to death to go over and see if it was really him sitting there, or just my imagination.

“R-River?” I meant to call out, but it fell from my lips as nothing but a whisper.

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