Gen. 8 ~ Chapter 2


“Seriously River, it’s fine, my dad’s asleep. You should stay and hang out with me, lets go in the hot tub.” I said, reaching out to grab his hand but he quickly pulled it away from me.

“I’m flattered, but really I shouldn’t be doing this. It just, it’s not safe for you to be with me, miss Nala.” He was so proper and adorable, I loved that he respected my dad so much that he was so scared of being caught.


Eventually I coaxed River into the hot tub with me, letting him borrow a pair of Cimba’s swim trunks. In no time at all we were laughing, flirting, splashing each other with the hot water and just genuinely having a great time.


“I should really get back to work, miss Nala, I shouldn’t have even spent this much time with you.” I grabbed River by the waist as he said this and even though we had just gotten out of the hot tub his skin was as cold as the snow falling outside.

“R-river are you okay?” I asked in a whisper, but I did not remove my hand from his side.

“This is why it’s not safe for us to be together, I didn’t want this to happen. We are different, we come from different places. Your family will never accept me and I know if you ever knew the whole truth you probably wouldn’t either.” River was confusing me with what he was saying, all I got was that we were different and he was scared of that.

“You should probably change your clothes then, River.” I told him, hoping he’d change in front of me. I hooked my finger into the swim trunks hanging off his hips and gave them a gentle tug, they fell a bit lower and his pubic stubble peeked out at me. I couldn’t help myself as a gasp gently escaped my lips, I could feel my heart rate quicken I was getting excited. He peeked down at my finger still tucked in his trunks and put his cold hand over mine. I couldn’t believe what he did next, he gave them a final yank and they fell around his feet.


River was standing there in front of me completely naked and he was gorgeous!

“W-wow, River, you’re….wow.” I was speechless, I had never seen a guy completely naked before. Ever so gently I reached down and cupped him in my palm, I place my other hand over top and rubbed him.

“Mmhmghf.” He moaned at me, his hips thrusting him even more into my hands.

He was getting bigger as I rubbed, he reached for me and grabbed a fistful of my hair. I dropped him and grabbed his shoulder and gently gave him a kiss. Things only intensified from there and we were soon back in the hot tub, only this time I was sitting on top of him and both of our bathing suits were lying on the floor beside us.

“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” He whispered in my ear as I guided his hips into mine. I had never much thought about this before, but now that I was in the moment and it was about to happen I knew he was the person I wanted it with. He gently pushed into me, I let out a moan, it didn’t hurt like most of the kids at school had warned. It was wonderful, I could feel how big he was, but he was being so gentle and I was so turned on by him that it didn’t hurt.

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The next few days went on as normal, there were no fireworks or congratulations like I imagined might happen. Clearly I knew that was stupid, I hadn’t told anyone what I did so how would any of that happen.

Sarabi was getting very big from the little baby she used to be and she was only getting more beautiful every year. Cimba had been talking non-stop about the house he was going to get once he turned twenty.

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I loved my siblings and we were all very close and I would be sad when we all grew up and moved out. The snow was starting to really pile up out there so we all ran outside, built an igloo and started a snowball fight.


I wanted to tell someone about River and I, I almost slipped up and told Sarabi. Sarabi was so young though, I was scared she wouldn’t be able to understand and would go tell mom and dad.


My relationship with River was still continuing and I really think I might be in love with him. I hadn’t told him I loved him yet and he hadn’t told me he loved me either, but I knew we shared something very special together.


Dad and Cimba were really close, being the only guys in the house they kind of should be. Dad was really close with all of us, he was a great guy even though he was over protective.


I had been in my room painting when this next scene happened, I’m not really sure all that happened but at the last moment I saw River fleeing from my mother’s crumpled figure on the floor.


We didn’t see River again after he fled from our house, I’m not really sure what happened between him and my mother or if he was responsible for her death. No one knew what had happened, no one had been there. All I knew was that the man I loved and the first man I’d been with was gone and there was no explanation for it. My mother was also dead and no one knew why or what had happened to her. When they inspected her body all they found was two small teeth marks in her neck, almost like a snake and they told us there was snake like poison in what was left of her blood. She had lost so much blood, that was why she had died, but they were very puzzled by it saying that it was similar to a snake but it wasn’t a snake.

In that moment I knew what River was and I didn’t know how to take it.

River was a vampire and his thirst must have over come him and he killed my mother for her blood.

The man I loved murdered my mother.

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