Gen. 7 ~ Chapter 9


The kids were growing up so quickly, I feel like Ashley just walked in the door with new baby Cimba in her arms. As Cimba had grown we started noticing the odd scales on his legs, just like what Ashley had except hers were purple. Ashley insisted we didn’t take him to the doctors, saying they would only want to put our poor baby under a microscope. We decided to just wait and see if it affected him at all in life, as of right now he was perfectly healthy.


Nala was also becoming quite grown up. I was said to see my little princess as such a little lady, but I was also very proud of creating something so beautiful and wonderful.


Since Nala no longer belonged in the nursery with Cimba we built her a room next to the spare bathroom, that would now be her private bathroom. She completely picked out the wall paper, bed and even the floors. She also insisted on having an easel put into her bedroom so she could start painting. We had no trouble with money, due to the success of the resorts and we loved to spoil our kids. We made sure they knew the importance of money, however, I wanted one of the kids to take over the resorts one day and for that they needed to be able to handle money properly not just blow it all the time.


We soon found out Ashley was pregnant again and we were over joyed.

“Raja, I love the kids, I really do but this pregnancy stuff is hard work. Promise me this will be the last one.” Poor Ashley always had a rough time with the pregnancy, throwing up, having her back aching. I was said to hear her say she didn’t want any more kids, but at the same time I wouldn’t want to go through what she was going through.


Potty training was always rough, with Nala she hadn’t liked it very much and Cimba wasn’t much different. He squirmed and screamed and absolutely wanted no part of it.


Ashley was loving the smack-a-gnome game we had bought for Nala, whatever kept her happy I was happy with. She wouldn’t get any judgment from me about it, Nala barely even touched the thing she was much more interested in her easel.


Ashley even went into labor while playing the smack-a-gnome. Ashley had told me she wanted to have a home birth this time, but if anything went wrong to be ready to bring her to the hospital.


Ashley did a great job at home, I was right there with her the whole time but she was truly an amazing woman.

She gave birth to a small precious girl, who we named Sarabi.


Like always, we were both madly in love with our new child and neither of us could get enough of her beautiful tiny face.

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To help Ashley out, since I wanted her to rest after the birth. I did all the cooking, all the dishes and all the laundry. I didn’t really mind it either, I knew me and my wife were a team and we were best when we worked together to help each other.


As Nala grew it was cool to try and pick out the resemblances in her. I thought she had Ashley’s lips and nose, my eyes and a mix of both of our hair color. She had inherited Doc and Jasmine’s skin color, oddly enough.


I loved my sweet girl and we spent a lot of time together, I liked to think she was becoming daddy’s little girl. Ashley, of course, liked to think differently saying Nala was just like her and they loved spending time together.


Cimba and I spent a lot of time together as well, I loved all of my kids very equally and could never get enough of them. Since I didn’t have a job like Ashley, I got a lot more time with all of the kids too.


Poor Ashley was always over exuding herself, between her work all day at the hospital, to spending as much time with the kids as possible, to trying to tidy the house and being a wife she really stretched herself too thin. I kept trying to convince her to quit her job, since we really didn’t need the money but she insisted that she loved it and really wanted to continue as long as she was able. I would try and tidy the house all the time so she wouldn’t have to worry about it, but there was always something I missed and she would want to fix it.


Cimba’s legs still hadn’t changed any and I was really getting worried about it, but Ashley would insist that he would be fine. I sure hoped nothing happened to my beautiful family, I don’t think I could go through losing any of my loved ones.


With everything going so well I decided it was time to pass over my torch to my oldest child. Nala was so responsible and wonderful, I knew she would do great things with this legacy. This isn’t where my journey ends, but this is where Nala’s begins I wish you all the best of luck my sweet heart I know you’ll do fantastic!

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