Gen. 7 ~ Chapter 7


I was loving life as a father, you could always find me close by my lovely daughter. Sometimes Ashley would come in and tell me to put her in her crib just so she could get some sleep. She would laugh at me and tell me she found it funny how much I had changed from this baby.


It wasn’t like I didn’t let Ashley get any time with Nala either, she got plenty. I was usually just always involved, however, but it was a good thing we were really becoming a wonderful family together.

Ashely was pleased with me and all the work I was putting into our family and would tell me so often.


I did get rewarded quite a bit for being such a wonderful loving father and husband. You didn’t hear any complaints from me, I was absolutely loving my new life.


It was like our own private paradise her in this little beach house. I was such a happy man and wished I had let myself go like this much earlier.

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Both Ashley and myself had become great writers so we could be at home with Nala. Our books brought in a little and the well established resorts I had inherited from my mother brought in a lot. We were never short on money and never had to worry about leaving home. I even told Ashley she could quit her job at the hospital if she wanted, but she truly had a passion for it and told me once her maternity leave was up she was planning to go back.


The first day Ashley was expected back at work she was very ill, vomiting on and off all day and had to call out sick. I was worried about her and wondered if it was the flu, I hoped it was something that would go away quickly I hated to see my wife in pain.

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It turned out that Ashley didn’t have the flu, she had gone in to the hospital and had them give her a pregnancy test. It was positive, we were going to have another baby!

I had never expressed to Ashley my want to have more children, so when she told me she was very hesitant and tried to break the news gently.


It was funny to see her shocked face when I asked to feel her small belly.

“You’re excited about this?” She asked, as my hand slowly moved around her stomach.

“Baby, I’m thrilled, I love Nala so much and I’m so happy we brought her into this world. It will just be twice the happiness with another little one around, I can’t wait Ash.” I told her, pulling her into a big hug.

“I’m so happy you feel that way, I was so worried you wouldn’t be ready. I didn’t plan this, mind you, we’ve just been so happy together lately we’ve been forgetting protection.”

“I wasn’t forgetting.” I told her with a wink, her mouth dropped open and she playfully shoved my shoulder.

“Raja Lowel! You little stinker, talk to me about it next time!” She told me, bopping me on the head with a pillow from our bed. We ran around the room bopping each other with pillows, I loved my wife and was so happy with her. This was the best marriage the world had to offer, yes it was very rough in the beginning but now it was literally perfect.


Poor Ashley was having a very rough time with this pregnancy, I felt so bad for her. I wished I could do something for her, like take the pain away or take it upon myself instead.


Even with all the sickness Ashley still made a lot of time for Nala. I told her to get some rest and relax and I would care for Nala completely, but she told me that she could never make up any time she took for herself. She said she was waiting for Nala for such a long time that she had plenty of time for herself before and didn’t need any more now. I could definitely see where she was coming from and I really admired her for being so sick and still just wanting nothing but to spend as much time with Nala as she could.


Our sweet girl was so beautiful, I always checked on her before I went to bed. She almost always kicked all her covers off and I would always check on her just so I could tuck her back in. I loved my sweetie pie so much, if you had asked me years ago if I could ever see myself here right now I would say absolutely not ever. I was so happy, however, that we had made the decision to have a child.


We were going to have another precious little baby to love and be with for the rest of our lives. I loved to just stand there and stare at my lovely pregnant wife, I thought she was absolutely beautiful. She would catch me staring at her and laugh at me then turn this way and that to pose for me.


I spent so much time with Nala, whenever I wasn’t with Ashley I was with Nala or we were all together as a family. This was exactly how I would picture the perfect family, I couldn’t ever imagine having anything better.


Ashley still loved to play chess and when Nala was asleep and I was sitting on the couch right next to her she would play to try and relax.


Before we knew it Ashley was screaming from labor pains.


I went running to her side and called an ambulance.

“Okay baby you’re going to be okay you’re going to make it through this and it’s gonna be great.” I told her, trying to sound encouraging.

“The ambulance will take me and you’ll stay with Nala, right?”

“Of course, don’t you worry about anything it will all be alright.”


After getting Ashley into the ambulance I went to go get Nala out of her crib.

“Hi sweetie pie, well mommy just went to the hospital to make you a big sister.” I knew talking to her wouldn’t do any good, she couldn’t really understand me and she didn’t know how to answer back yet. I could honestly say though, that I was nervous, I really didn’t know what to expect. Yes, I had already gone through this once, I mean look at Nala she’s proof of that. Even still, I had just sent my wife off and not gone with her because she had wanted me to be with Nala.


Instead of focusing on what was happening at the hospital, I focused on trying to get Nala to talk. It was no easy task and did a good job of distracting me.

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