Gen. 7 ~ Chapter 6


My mother was dead, but there was new life forming inside of Ashley. Along with the bad news of losing mother came the good news of our baby. I had finally made Ashley’s dreams come true and we were expecting a baby. She had found out that day that mother had died that she was pregnant and was planning to tell us both when she got home from work. Now, however, mom would never know we were giving her grand children.

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Both Ashley and myself were extremely torn up by my mother’s passing. We were all very close and now part of our family was missing. It just wasn’t the same without mom here, Ashley was even more upset because she had really been looking forward to sharing her pregnancy with my mother. Ashley’s own mother had died when she was very young and she never really knew anyone that could take on that role for her. My mother, however, had really taken Ashley in as her own child, knowing that Ashley didn’t have a mother and very much appreciated having my mother around.

It was hard for me to comfort Ashley, as my own heart was grieving as well. We tried to comfort each other, but nothing could fill the empty void my mother’s death left.


Neither of us felt right staying in mom and dad’s house anymore, without them there it just felt like we were intruding. We had, of course, lived there a while now and it was nice to be back in the house I grew up in, but we both felt we needed a change.

It wasn’t hard at all to find a buyer for the house and we were promptly able to sell it. Ashley and I packed up all the family heirlooms and headed to our new house.


We decided with Ashley’s pregnancy we couldn’t stay in a hotel while a house was being built, so we just bought this little modern seaside home. It was beautiful and very peaceful, our neighbors weren’t even close enough to yell to.

Ashley did want to do a little bit of interior remodeling and I was perfectly fine with that. She wanted all of our things to match and have an even flow to the home that we would both be happy with.


Since I was now taking over the resorts mom had managed and I had recently bought a new one I decided it was time to sell the horses. With the small property we had bought for our new home, I knew it wasn’t fair to try and keep horses on it there simply wasn’t enough room. I had trained them all to be champions and had had many people offer to buy them from me, but had never wanted to sell. I looked up a few people I thought would take good care of my horses and instructed them to keep them together. That was that, the end of my equestrian career and the beginning of my resort career.


The only little horse we kept was Casey, I decided I would keep her in the house until she got bigger. I just didn’t feel comfortable selling such a young horse and Ashley was okay with it.

It wasn’t long until Casey got much too big to stay in the house and I sold her as well. It was sad to see all of the horses go, that I had put so much time into but I also knew they would have the proper care they deserved and they would be happy.


It was time for me to focus on something else in life, anyway. I was getting all prepared to be a father and I really wanted to put everything I had into it.

With the death of my mother, it scared me even more to lose Ashley but it also warned me. I knew now I needed to cherish the time that I did have with my loved ones and that it was stupid not to start a family earlier since I could have had even more time with them.


I loved to be with my wife and our future child, I was always pestering her to let me feel her stomach and asking her to alert me when the baby was kicking. Ashley was loving the added attention I was giving her, now that I was really only focusing on her. She had taken her maternity leave from work, so it was just the two of us in this new house together all day.


We always found something to do, mostly it included me doing something with her stomach. I did think of myself as quite the pest, but Ashley would just laugh and tell me how glad she was to see me so into her and our baby.


We did have other ways of being entertained and had a very steady romance going between us. I honestly loved being in love, I know that sounds stupid but there’s no other way I would want to spend my life. Ashley was an incredible woman and I wished one day my child would find someone just as wonderful as I had.


That’s not to say I wasn’t worried about having a new baby around, I was petrified! I didn’t let Ashely see it, however, I wanted her to know how happy I was to start a family not see the fear on my face. I would sometimes wake in the middle of the night and simply worry about what it would be like and what I was supposed to do and not do.


Before I knew it the moment had arrived, Ashley had gone down to the ocean to go for a swim when all of a sudden I heard her yelp. I figured she had just stepped on a crab or something, but then I heard it again. I wanted to be sure she wasn’t in any danger so I ran down to the beach to check on her, only to find out she was having our baby.


I quickly brought her to the hospital and after what seemed like days we proudly walked out with our new baby girl. She was absolutely beautiful and I was in love the moment she grasped my pinkie with her tiny fingers. I decided right as I was looking into her eyes that I wanted more, I wanted a hundred more if I could have these feelings all over again.


As soon as we brought Nala home and had our official first night together, she started crying.

“W-what do we do?” I asked Ashley, I was extremely nervous as to why my sweet girl was crying and would do anything to make her happy again.

“It’s probably just her diaper, or she’s hungry. Come with me, we can check together.” Ashley told me, holding Nala like a pro and grabbing my hand while she was at it. She walked to the nursery with me and showed me how to check her diaper, it was clean when we looked so we knew that wasn’t the problem. Ashley sat down cross legged on the floor and pulled me down with her. She gently pulled back her shirt and eased Nala onto her breast, it took a few tries but eventually Nala’s tiny mouth starting sucking from my wife’s breast. It was the most amazing thing I had ever witnessed, I wished I could be a woman so I could have the experience as well. I really didn’t need to wish, being as my wife was making me such a big part of this. I gently scooched behind Ashley and put one of my arms around her waist and one gently under Nala.

“This is amazing.” I whispered to my wife.

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