Gen. 7 ~ Chapter 4


The closer Ashley and I got the more I pulled away from her, I couldn’t help myself. My brain was trying so hard to protect my heart, that it would ever hurt Ashley if it meant keeping my heart safe. I could tell she wasn’t appreciating it, but I didn’t know how to change that.


I threw myself into work with the horses even more and backed out of Ashley’s life a little bit.


The horses were loving the added attention I was giving them and I couldn’t help but want to be with them that much more.


One night as we were having dinner Ashley struck up a conversation that I wasn’t ready for.

“Raja, I’ve been thinking, we’ve been engaged now for a while. I mean, I’m living with you too, I think it’s time we get married.”

“I don’t think I’m ready yet.” I didn’t know what to say to her, I really didn’t want to marry her yet. I was scared, every time I got a little confidence in our relationship I thought of the look on my mother’s face when she got the news about my father’s death and I just wanted to run and hide.

“If you weren’t ready, you shouldn’t have asked.” She said blankly, slamming down her fork.

“You have no idea what I’ve been through!” I yelled at her, tensions rising. “You have no idea, Ashley! All the pain I’ve gone through already, all the pain I’ve watched those I love go through!” I couldn’t take it anymore I ran from the table and jumped onto Spade’s back.


Ashley must have followed me, even though she had never ridden a horse before she was there behind me riding Ricochet.

“Raja, wait, we have to talk about this.” She yelled to me, I watched as she struggled trying to give Ricochet instruction.


We had talked, I hadn’t really told Ashley everything but I had agreed to the wedding. My sister, Jasmine came with her husband, Max, my brother Aladdin was there and my brother Abu.


My brother Genie also showed up, even though I didn’t know him very well.


My beautiful mother was there, as well.


I wasn’t really sure I was ready for this, but I knew I would lose Ashley forever if I didn’t go through with it.


When I saw Ashley walk out towards me my jaw dropped, she was stunning.

“You look gorgeous.” I told her as she walked up to me.


“You’re not too bad yourself, hot stuff.” She winked at me.

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Everyone gathered around, we said our vows, exchanged rings, kissed, and that was that we were married.


“Mom, it’s so good to see you again, I’ve really missed you!” I told my mother as I engulfed her fragile frame in a bear hug. Mom hugged right back and giggled at me.

“Oh, Raja, it’s good to see you too. I know it’s part of growing up, but I hated that you guys left.” I could see the pain that briefly ran across mom’s face as she said this. I never wanted to cause mom more pain, but I couldn’t stay and watch her go through the pain of losing dad. It was hard to be back in the home I had grown up in, because it really did remind me a lot of dad and i really missed him.


“Mom, I’m back and I’ve brought Ashley with me we’re going to stay with you now.”

“Well, that’s a bit of a shock. I mean, Abu, Aladdin and Genie are all still here. I’m sure we’ll find room for you here somewhere though.”

“Abu is married now, so he’ll be leaving soon and Aladdin is always at work. I get worried about you, I want to stay with you now to take care of you.”


Like I had told mom Abu had just recently gotten married to his long time girlfriend Amy and they were moving out.

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If Aladdin wasn’t at work he was trying out his game on all the women at mom’s resort.


I wasn’t sure I was ready for the topic Ashley was going to bring up next.

“Raj, I’ve been thinking a lot about this and I wanted to talk to you about it. We’re married now and I could take some time off of work. I was thinking maybe we could start trying to have a baby.”

“No way! We only just got married, we’re not ready for that yet.”

“Raja, why is everything with you like pulling teeth!” Ashley was getting very frustrated with me, but I couldn’t help it. I wasn’t ready to have a baby I didn’t want one in general. I didn’t know how to explain my fear to her, I had such trouble because she had no idea what I had been through and what I was scared of. My wife simply didn’t understand.

“No Ashley, not now, not for a while. I can’t do it right now, we haven’t even talked it over.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do, talk about it!” I didn’t want to talk, though, I quickly left the room. “You’re hopeless!” I heard her shout at me as I left.


With our recent fight, I didn’t want to be around Ashley. I got really into the horses and all of my time was spent with them. I found another horse that needed a home and decided on the spot to adopt him. I named him Impulse after my quick decision and took him home with me, it wasn’t like we didn’t have the room. I loved helping out horses that needed a good home, because I was definitely able to care for them.

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Aladdin had finally fallen in love with a lovely put together woman named Fiona. He wasn’t scared like I had been to put a ring on it and marry her on the spot. They then proceeded to move out, leaving just me, Ashley and mom her at home with the three horses. Genie had moved out with his high school girlfriend, Roxy, so I was very glad I had chosen to move back in with mom. There would have been no one to take care of her since everyone had found girls and moved out.


We even had a new little addition to my equestrian farm, I had recently gotten Spade a covering and she gave birth to a beautiful little foal. If I could have cloned Spade, this would be her clone they looked exactly alike. I got to name her, so I decided I would name her Rose.

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