Gen. 7 ~ Chapter 3


“That’s very sweet of you to say, Raja. I’ve thought about you a lot as well.” Ashley was so beautiful, everything about her just called to me. As I was thinking this a little voice in my head was screaming at me to stop.

What if you get hurt again, what if she dies, cheats, leaves, suffers, or worse yet, has your child? What will you do then lover boy? You’ll be crushed, you’ll probably want to die. This is NOT a good idea, run from her as fast as you can! Get her out of here, tell her to never come back! My sub conscience was screaming at me.

I can’t just leave her, I love her. I know I swore I would never fall in love after dad’s death, but I can’t help myself. It wasn’t like I was out there asking for this. I told my sub conscience.

“Thanks for coming today, Ashley, I’ve got some things I have to take care of though. I’ll see you soon, okay?” I couldn’t believe I let the words come out of my mouth, I had just asked Ashley to leave. I didn’t want to put myself out there any more then I had to, I needed to figure out if I wanted to risk loving this girl or if I was going to let her go.


The next day there was a knock on the door, I was worried it was Ashley and didn’t know what to do. I eventually decided I should probably at least see who it was and found Maggie at my door.

“Hi.” She said as I peeked at her.

“Uh, hi, I wasn’t expecting to see you.” I said cautiously, protecting my gut from being punched.

“I never wanted to see you again, trust me, but I have to. Can I come in?” Maggie was acting very strange, I hoped this wasn’t some evil plan of hers to try and kill me or something. I gingerly opened the door and guardedly welcomed her in.

“You might want to sit.” She said, her eyes flashing to me and then back at the ground.

“I’m fine, what is it Maggie?”

“There’s no easy way to say this and I can’t believe it’s you that I’m saying it to. Raja, you got me pregnant, I have your baby inside of me right now.” I couldn’t believe the words that had just come out of Maggie’s mouth.

“W-wait, say that one more time, I think I heard you wrong.”


“I don’t even want you to be involved, I’m probably going to get an abortion anyway. I just thought it would be the right thing to at least tell you.” Maggie put her coat back on and turned to leave, but I grabbed her hand.

“Please don’t kill it, that would be awful.” I gently reached out and placed my hand on her small stomach. “My little baby is inside of there.” I looked up at her and our eyes met, she sighed and stuck her stomach out a little for me.

“I won’t kill it, I’ll raise it. If you want, you could come meet it when it’s born. I don’t want you living with me though, or trying to marry me because I don’t like you like that. I want to raise the baby on my own, you can meet it but I’m not sure I want you in its life.”

“Whatever you want, Maggie, you’ll be its mother.”

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In the months that followed I had been spending a lot of time with the horses, training them, racing them, offering coverings, I was a very busy man.


I had made quite a bit more money, Jasmine was also making a little bit more since she was promoted. We now had paint, carpet, walls and some better furniture in our house. I was really proud of what we had been able to do together.


Ashley had come over once and had cooked for me in the newly improved house. Every time I saw her I just fell more in love with her, it scared me so much that I didn’t invite her over again.


Jasmine and I were still not really getting along, but she had found herself a beefy boyfriend. His name was Max and he was here pretty much all the time.


He would even sleep over and she had claimed my bed because it was bigger then hers. She told me I didn’t need it anyway since I couldn’t keep a steady relationship going with Ashley, so she was doing me a favor.


Well, what Jasmine had said really lit a fire under my butt and thoroughly pissed me off. I called Ashley to come over and when she walked in I took her by the hand and started my speech.

“Ashley, I’ve known you for such a long time and you’re the only girl I’ve ever thought of in this way.” She looked at me, puzzled, probably wondering where this was coming from since I hadn’t called her in so long.


“You’re the only one for me, the only one I can even think of. I’ve been doubting myself, but see I have this little black box here.” I took the small box from my pocket and accidentally dropped it on the floor. I quickly picked it back up my cheeks turning crimson.


“Even though I can’t hang on to it, will you marry me and hang on to it for me instead?” I knew it was corny, but it was the first thing that fell out of my mouth.


“Raja! I never thought this day would come, I didn’t even know we were an official couple since you would go so long without calling me.”


“Well what do you say, Ash?”

“Yes! Oh for sure yes!” She reached out her hand so I could slip the ring on for her, it was a perfect fit.


She pulled back her hand to admire it, turning it here and there.

“I-if you don’t like it I can let you pick out a different one.” I was suddenly second guessing my ring choice, not knowing if she would truly like it.


“I love it, Raja, thank you. I’m so glad you finally asked, this was so unexpected.” She pulled me into a big hug, resting her chin on my shoulder.

“I love you, Ashley.” I whispered to her, kissing her neck gently.


A few weeks after I proposed I got a call from Maggie. She was calling to tell me she had gone through with having the baby and if I wanted to meet it I could come over. I dropped everything and went straight to Maggie’s house to meet my first child.

It was a baby boy, who she decided to name without me.


“You weren’t really a part of the pregnancy and you won’t be a part of his life so what does it matter if I named him without you?” She asked, as she held our son close to her chest.

“Well what is it?” I asked, truly curious wondering what my son would be called.

“His name is Viveck and I’m keeping him here with me.”


When I got home I saw this site, Jasmine was taking things into her own hands and proposing to Max. I was happy for my sister and hoped she would be happy with Max.


She came to me shortly after to tell me some important news.

“I’m moving out with Max, Raja, we eloped so technically he’s my husband now.” I was shocked to hear what my sister had said, but was happy for her all the same. This meant I would need a new room mate if I wanted to stay in the house we had built together.


I decided to ask Ashley to move in with me, it turned out she was a nurse and she knew my brother, Aladdin very well.

She took care of all the cleaning and cooking and left me to care for the horses and do my own thing. It was very strange to have her living with me, but it was also kind of nice.

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