Gen. 6 ~ Chapter 6


With the extra money we had received, we decided to invest it and buy our own resort. It was already partly built, but it was run down, not cared for and just plain shabby. We did get it for a decent price, but we would have to put a lot of work into it to make it a high class resort like we dreamed it could be.

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I put a lot of work and time into the resort, I didn’t have a full time job like Ali did so I decided I would make the resort my full time job instead. At the end of the day I ended up throwing up, I wondered if our chef I had hired wasn’t doing a good job at the cooking. I fired the chef and hired someone new, I hoped he would be able to make food that didn’t make me throw up.


Ali was still smoking, after a long day of work he would come home and have a cigarette. I still really didn’t like it and would ask him to stop, but he just couldn’t.


I was constantly feeling extremely nauseous and realized it might be time to go to the doctor.

After going to the doctor, she told me what was wrong with me.

It turns out that Ali and I hadn’t been being very careful and that means that I am pregnant. It was shocking news, I wasn’t positive I was ready to be a mother yet, I was still working hard at fixing up our resort and wanted to put everything into that. I was also still really loving being a wife and putting everything into that. Having a baby meant I would be putting everything into a baby and have to put everything else on hold. I really didn’t know if I would be able to do this, I also didn’t know how Ali would take this news.

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“Baby, I’ve gotta talk to you.” I told Ali as he climbed onto our bed, ready to love me.

“What’s going on? Did they put your mom in jail?” Ali really had no idea what I was about to tell him.

“No, it’s not that, it’s something that I’m really not sure how you’re going to take. I’m a little scared about it myself and it’s okay if you’re scared too.” Ali put his arms around me and pulled me close to him.

“What’s wrong? No matter what it is I’m going to be there for you.”

“I went to the doctor to see what was wrong with my stomach and they told me that I’m pregnant.”

“Honey, that’s fantastic news! Why were you so scared, this is gonna be great!” Ali shocked me with his enthusiasm, but he definitely made me happy by saying that.

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During my pregnancy I cleaned, I cooked, I ate and I loved rocking in the new rocking chair in the nursery we had just built. I would rock and picture myself sitting in this very chair with a tiny baby in my arms. I still felt too young and not ready for a baby, but the way Ali was so excited for this made me feel a little better and try and get on board.

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Ali was loving this baby already and it wasn’t even born yet. He was always grabbing me and kissing me, or rubbing my belly, or talking to it. Ali was absolutely adorable and I was starting to become excited for this baby.


The resort was still coming along and we would go there sometimes just to use the pool and check up on things. Ali loved using the diving board and swimming and it turns out our guests really loved it too. I had just been informed that the resort now was rated four stars, that was so close to being a five star resort! I was so excited to hear that people really loved staying at our resort.


I decided to take the jet ski home that night, while Ali said he was gonna stay at the resort to see what was really going on there at night. I couldn’t stay tonight, because I was feeling very run down and needing my home because of the pregnancy.


Before I could even get home I had to pull the jet ski on shore, I had awful pain in my abdomen. This was terrible, I needed Ali, I needed him now.

“HELP!” I yelled, hoping someone would hear me. There was no one around, it was so late at night no one would be on the beach at this time. “HELP, Someone please!” I yelled, I couldn’t stand the pain anymore. I collapsed right there on the beach and everything went black.


Someone must have found me and brought me to the hospital, Ali had been called because I had serious complications. Since I hadn’t been conscious it had put serious strain on the baby and they couldn’t let me have a natural birth because I wasn’t even awake. They had to go in and do emergency surgery to save the baby, they weren’t sure yet if I would be okay.


The baby had been released from the hospital and Ali had taken him home. His name was Aladdin and he was yellow, he must have got that from my dad so it really wasn’t all that surprising.


I had made it through the surgery and come back to reality, I got to fulfill my dream of rocking with my new baby in the rocking chair. I was exhausted and scared out of my mind, but it had all worked out and our baby was happy and healthy.


Ali and I still really loved each other, we always would. Even though I was still sore and not quite myself Ali made me feel like everything was ok.


We wanted to keep Aladdin safe and close to us, so we moved his crib into our bedroom. We absolutely loved our little baby and we were so happy to have him in our lives.

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Whenever our little boy was upset Ali would be able to cheer him right up by tickling him or making silly faces at him. Aladdin really loved his daddy and it made me so proud and happy to see them together.


We completely finished the nursery and moved Aladdin’s crib into it. Anything our little boy could want or need he had, we were definitely spoiling our little baby boy.

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The resort was getting better and better and I was really able to enjoy myself there. If I could enjoy myself this way, my guests surely could. I was so happy we were creating this beautiful get away, not only for ourselves but for anyone who visited our island.

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I had been throwing up again, a lot. It was scaring me a little, that maybe I could possibly be pregnant again. I wouldn’t know for sure, of course, until I went to the doctor.


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