Gen. 6 ~ Chapter 5



“You grimy piece of scum, you disgusting pervert!” I yelled at Gru, it felt so good to finally tell him how I really felt.

“Ariel, don’t you dare!” Mom yelled at me, moving from her post to get closer to me. Before mom could get to me, I bolted. I just ran and ran and ran, I didn’t know where they were or if they were coming for me. I didn’t want them to ever catch me, I never wanted to see either of them again.


“You ran? I was coming for you, I was on my way.” Ali ran up beside me and grabbed my hand, as he ran with me.

“I couldn’t stay there anymore, I had to leave he was disgusting. I don’t know if they’re behind us.” I sputtered out through my huffing and puffing.


I stopped Ali, right where we were, right there on the beach.

“What, what’s wrong lets keep going.” Ali said, trying to pull me along.

“This is the ring Gru gave me, but I want to give it to you instead. Marry me, right here, right now. I don’t care anymore, I love you you’re the only one I’ve ever wanted to be with.”

“No question about it, yes! But that ring is for you, not for me. If you’re comfortable wearing it, that is.”


“Give me that ring, let me put it on your finger.” Ali said, taking the ring from me and sliding it gently onto my ring finger. “I love you, you’re the only girl I’ve ever been interested in this intensely, you’re the one for me. Promise me you’ll spend the rest of your life with me, no matter what?” Ali told me a few of his own made up vows, it was so sweet.

“I promise to love you with everything I have, I promise to be with you forever, I promise we will start a wonderful life together and be happy.” I told him a few of my own vows, we kissed passionately and that was that, we were officially married.


As Ali and I were enjoying each other on the beach I got a phone call.

“Hello?” I said into my phone, waiting to hear who was on the other end.

“Ariel, get back here, RIGHT NOW!” It was mom, she sounded very pissed.

“No way, I will never marry someone like Gru just so you can be happy and have all the money you’ve ever wanted. If you want this money so badly you marry him yourself!” I told her, beginning to get a little confidence.

“I will find you and I will make you do this Ariel, no matter were you go, you can’t hide from me!” Now she was trying to threaten me, I laughed at her.

“That’s too bad, cause you’re too late. I just got married and it wasn’t to Gru, I’m already taken. Thanks for the wedding dress, by the way, the wedding was beautiful.” I heard mom gasp as I said this last part, instead of dealing with anything more she wanted to say to me I simply threw my phone into the ocean.

“Ready baby?” Ali asked, sweeping me up in his arms.


Ali had worked very hard and had built us a beautiful house, yes it was tiny but it would do just fine for now. Ali had really impressed me, he had built our house with his own two hands and hadn’t bought a single thing. He had found all of the materials that he had used to build our house. I knew Ali was going to make me a very happy woman.


Ali took me for a tour of the small house, explaining why he had built each item and how. Finally we got to the bedroom and I pulled him onto the bed.

“I love you, I’ve been waiting for this for so long.” I told him, reaching up to unbutton his shirt.

“My beautiful wife, I’m the luckiest man in the world.” He reached behind me and unzipped my dress, kissing me as he did this. I never would have thought loving someone would be this wonderful.


I wanted to be a really good wife, whenever there were dirty dishes I would quickly clean them up. I cleaned the bathroom every day, made the bed, swept the floor and did the laundry. I really wanted Ali to be completely happy with me and I also wanted to show him how grateful I was to him for building us a house of our own.


I loved to go scuba diving at night, it was so beautiful under the sea. I had this special headlight I would use that would illuminate the entire ocean floor and I could see better then I could in the day time.

I was definitely following in my father’s foot steps and could see why he loved scuba diving so much.


When I got home Ali would be there to cuddle with me all through the night. I loved this man with all that I had, I was so happy.


The only thing I didn’t really like about Ali was his smoking habit. I would always tell him he was killing himself, but I didn’t take them from him. I would tell him I wanted him to stop, but I would also tell him that I wouldn’t force him to stop I wanted him to do it on his own.


One day an investigator came to my house, I immediately wondered if my mother had told them some stupid story to try and get me back.

It turned out that it wasn’t what I was thinking at all, they told me that my mother had stolen all of my father’s money. When my father died, the insurance was supposed to give me money because someone had burned the house down and I had lost everything I owned. My father had also been murdered, so I was entitled to take the $200,000 back that my mother had taken.

I told them I would gladly take the money and that my mother deserved to go to jail. They assured me they would look into throwing her in a cell, but for now to try and enjoy my life.


With the money we had received we were able to build ourselves a new home. We kept it on the simple side and only built what we would absolutely need, along with just one extra room for a tv and piano. We also treated our selves to a new car, a jet ski and a boat which is something I’ve always wanted.

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I loved loving my husband, I loved being with him all through the night. I loved knowing that I was safe and that he was going to keep me safe, no matter what. A lot of our nights would end with us loving each other and then falling asleep in each other’s arms. I literally had the perfect life with this man, I missed my father dreadfully, but this new life that I had I knew he would be proud of it.

I really did hope anyway, that when my father looked down on me that he would be able to say yes that’s my daughter and I’m so proud of her.

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