Gen. 6 ~ Chapter 2


Mom told me I could stay here for as long as I wished and that this was now my new home. She told me to go upstairs and pick out one of the guest rooms to become my new room. She warned me though, that one of them was not quite finished yet.

Mom seemed to be very rich, she had a big house here that she told me she was personally designing and having built so there would be workers here from time to time. I couldn’t quite figure out where she got all her money from, however. I mean the woman had an elevator in her house, for goodness sakes! Dad hadn’t given her any in their divorce and I didn’t think she had a job, so maybe she inherited it somehow. It was a bit odd and dad always warned me about her, so I would just have to keep my eyes open and watch my back.

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Even though mom said the house wasn’t completely finished yet, the upstairs looked beautiful. It was simple, yet elegant, don’t get me wrong I absolutely loved and adored my father but we had never had a house like this. Our house had been a little out of place and quirky, yes he did his absolute best to decorate, but it would never fall under the elegant category.

Maybe mom wasn’t so bad after all.


I slowly approached the beautiful golden handled doors that led to the first guest bedroom, only to find it dark and unfinished. I suppose this must be the room mom was talking about, the one that I shouldn’t stay in because there were better rooms elsewhere.


The second room looked like it belonged in a log cabin, I definitely got the theme but it just wasn’t my style. I would at least keep it in mind, in case the third room was worse.


The third room was very chic and as soon as I saw it, I fell in love with it. This was the room I was going to chose, it was beautiful, there was even a little balcony like the balcony dad had made me off of my old room.


I was still continuing my home schooling, even though I very much would love to go to school. Mom lived on a secluded island and it took over two hours to get off of it and onto the main land. It would be silly for me to be wasting all that time every day just to go to school when I could just do it here. There were times I did get lonely and wished for friends, but then I thought of Ali. Ali (pronounced Ah-lee) was the boy I had snuck out to see when I was living with dad. I wanted to see him again, but with all that had happened I didn’t know where he might be now. Ali didn’t live with his parents, because he didn’t have any. He became an orphan at a very young age and had his house ransacked, he was scared of the intruders and managed to get away. He has been living on the streets ever since.


That night I decided to go try and find Ali. I called a cab boat, snuck out of the house and started the two hour journey to shore.

I wasn’t sure of his exact location, but I thought I had a pretty good idea of where he might be. I had to find him, he was the only person left on earth that I loved. Yes, my mother was my mother, but I hadn’t known her all my life so how could I love her.


As the cab was speeding along I spotted Ali running up the mountain trail that came from the beach.

“STOP!” I yelled to the driver, the cab lurched to a halt in the wavy water. I quickly paid the driver and jumped out, running up to shore.

“Ali!” I shouted as I scrambled up the mountain trail where I had last seen him.


When I finally reached Ali he was in town, I was so happy I had been able to catch up with him.

“Ali!” I yelled his name again when his body came into full view. His head whipped around and he stopped running.

“Ariel, I thought I’d never see you again!” He ran the distance between us and wrapped me up in a big hug. “When I saw that fire in your house, I thought I’d lost you.” He squeezed me tighter giving the top of my head a kiss.

“I was with you when it happened, my father was killed along with my puppy Luka.” I leaned my head on his shoulder, not wanting to let him go.

“Oh, Ariel, I’m so sorry. I know how close you two were, how are you doing? Where are you living? Do you need somewhere to stay?” He pulled back from me, searching my eyes for his answers.

“I’m ok, I’m sad and a little shocked still. I’m with my mother, the one I’ve never spoken to. I’m not really sure how to feel about it yet, I don’t really know her at all. I’ve missed you so much, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to find you again.”

“I’m so glad you did baby, I was so worried.” He grabbed me again in a big hug. I leaned my head up and planted a kiss on his lips.

“I love you.” I whispered, as his lips engulfed mine in a passionate kiss.


When I got home from seeing Ali mom was waiting for me.

“Ariel, come in here for a minute.” Mom called to me from the kitchen, I figured she’d be in bed like dad always was. Sneaking out here was proving to be harder then it had been with my dad. I slowly walked into the kitchen spotting mom waiting for me.

“Ah, there you are, where have you been darling?” She didn’t seem mad at least.

“I, uh, I was just out at the beach, exploring the area a little.” I definitely didn’t want to tell mom about Ali, I didn’t know how she would react.

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