Gen. 6 ~ Chapter 1


How wrong my father had been, the people that were coming to find him and kill him finally had. It wasn’t just some random event that someone had sold my dad that house so quickly. They had sold him that house, the awful people that wanted our whole family dead. I would have been dead too if I hadn’t snuck out that night. Dad would always hate it if I snuck out, but in this case it was the best thing I could have done.


When I came back home that night to sneak back in all I could see were huge dark thick clouds of smoke and the evil orange, yellow glow of the flames lapping up what was left of the mansion dad had bought us. My house was gone, my father, Blue, and the dogs were almost likely gone with it, since I couldn’t see them anywhere.

I was homeless.


I thoroughly began to check the area as best I could with the thick smoke and found Reeses and her puppy Lacey hiding in a nearby bush. After searching and searching and finally having the firemen tell me I needed to leave the area until they got things under control, I cradled Lacey in my arms and told Reeses to follow me. I had called a cab boat, I was headed to the only place I knew I might be able to live at.

The driver asked me what the location was I was trying to reach and I told him, he sped off into the night  to my mother’s home.


It was a rainy day, the sun was just starting to rise for the day when we got there, trying to fight through the clouds. This was it, I hadn’t seen my mother for so many years I didn’t even know how many it had been anymore. I couldn’t believe I was here, I never thought I would be here I never thought I would need anyone other then my father. Dad was dead now though, I had to face facts and grow up.

All I could do was hope she liked me. Still with Lacy cradled in my arms and Reeses close by my side, I thanked the cab driver and gave him some money. I slowly opened the door and got out, I took a deep breath and walked up to the door. I took a quick peek through the glass, but couldn’t see anyone so I rang the doorbell.


Mom answered the door, she was as pretty as I had remembered her to be.

“Ariel, is that you? My little girl?” Mom was clearly very shocked to see me and didn’t recognize me.

“Y-yes, it is me, look I know it’s short notice and I should have called but I’m in trouble.” I couldn’t help but blurt out the truth to her, there was something about her violet eyes that just made me want to tell her everything.

“Come in, please come in, sweetheart.” She ushered me inside, closing the door tight behind me. She led me over to a large red couch in a tastefully decorated room. “Sit, please, you must be exhausted.” She told me, offering me the couch. I let Lacey go explore with Reeses, knowing they would be safe together.

“My house was burned down, completely to the ground, there’s nothing left. I don’t think dad, Blue, or the other dogs made it. Lacey and Reeses were all I could find, the firemen told me once they got the fire out they would contact me to let me know if they found anyone else.” I sighed, as everything spilled out of my mouth all at once.

“Oh, sweetie, when did this happen? You must be terrified, I’m so glad you came to me.” Mom turned to face me, searching out my eyes for some kind of answer.


The doorbell rang before I could answer mom and she briskly walked over to answer it. Blue came through the door, dripping wet from the rain and gave mom a big hug.

“Shauna, I’m so glad I found you, Ariel! The firemen told me I could find you here!” Blue was thrilled to see us both.

“Is dad okay?” I asked quietly, looking from my mom to Blue.

“Oh, Ariel, they don’t think he’s made it. They haven’t found a body yet, but they’re still looking, there’s just so much to go through. They will let you know as soon as the find anything. They found two other dogs and sent them straight to the vet, they couldn’t tell me which ones. All they could tell me was they found an adult and a puppy, one of the other puppies is still missing, they told me you had two dogs with you.” Tears were streaming down my face by the time Blue finished talking, I couldn’t really believe it. I had been holding out some kind of hope that dad was still alive, but now that hope was gone. Dad really was gone, burnt to a crisp, so burnt they couldn’t even find his remains.

I couldn’t help myself and full out started to heave and sob, the only family I had really known was destroyed. I didn’t know what I was going to do, yes mom was here, but dad had always warned me of how terrible she was and how when you turned your back for a second she would ruin your whole life. I had to stay with mom though, unless I wanted to be out on the streets.

My best friend was dead and I would miss him for the rest of my life.

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Daddy, the one who absolutely adored me, the one who taught me how to snorkel and scuba dive, the one who cooked for me, the one who made sand castles with me and let me knock them down, the one who drove our boat to safety, the one who was always there for me and always looking out for me.

I love you daddy, no one will ever be able to fill the void you left in my heart, no one will ever be able to replace you.

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