Gen. 5 ~ Chapter 7


“SLUT! You little whore! How could you do that to me, to us, to our family?” I managed to blubber out, I couldn’t believe what Shauna had said. I couldn’t believe I had wanted to marry this little slut.

“I’m sorry, you should have seen this coming. Did you really think I was going to sit here and wait for you forever?”

“Get out! GET OUT!” I was not ready to talk to her, I couldn’t even look at her. All I knew was I wanted this filthy whore out of my house and away from my daughter.

“I’m not leaving without Ariel.” Shauna crossed her arms and stated matter-of-factly.

“You really think you deserve my daughter? You don’t deserve to be anywhere near her, you’re a terrible mother and a terrible role model for her. I don’t want you anywhere near her! Now GET OUT!” I was not discussing this, I would get her out of my house even if I had to drag her by her hair.


I ran down stairs to the wheel, to start steering us to land so Shauna could get off and never come back. I was so angry, I was so hurt, I had so many emotions building inside me right now I didn’t know how to feel. I couldn’t believe this was happening to me.


While I drove the boat, Shauna spent the time with Ariel. I didn’t want her anywhere near her, but she was Shauna’s daughter too and I figured I should at least let her say goodbye.


As soon as we got to the dock I went upstairs to tell Shauna to leave. She already had her bags packed and didn’t say a word to me as she walked off the boat. I made sure to lock the door behind her, I didn’t want her near me or my house or my family.


“Hey, what’s going on?” Blue asked as I came inside.

“Shauna decided to leave, we probably won’t see her for a while. I’ve gotta get some rest, wake me if Ariel needs me.” I couldn’t deal with telling Blue what was really going on, all I wanted to do was sleep.

“Oh-okay, feel better.”


I crawled into my bed, on Shauna’s side, even though I was so angry with her I already missed her. I wrapped myself in the blankets inhaling her scent and cried. I couldn’t help myself from crying, my family had fallen apart and now I would never have a wife.

I needed time to heal and think about what had just happened, I couldn’t even process what had happened moments ago.


I spent a lot of time with my little girl, Ariel, she was everything to me now. I still wasn’t really sure how to live my life, all I knew was that I loved Ariel with all of my heart. I knew I never wanted to date another woman, I didn’t want someone else I just wanted Shauna. I only wanted the Shauna I knew, not the person she had become.

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Blue did most of the dog care since I was so depressed. I wasn’t really that into dogs anyway, so I left all of it up to Blue.


All that I seemed to be able to do was spend time with my little princess. Shauna had broken my heart, but she had given me Ariel and for that I was forever thankful to her. I was still so mad at Shauna and didn’t want her anywhere near my home, myself, or my daughter. I hadn’t spoken to her since I told her to get out, she had left me a few messages asking to see Ariel but I wasn’t ready for that yet.

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Blue would clean the house, care for the dogs and paint in her spare time. She was proving herself to me and paying her way in this household.

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Now that Ariel was older and didn’t need me around so much I had taken to sculpting as a new hobby and diving as much as I could.

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Ariel was following in her father’s footsteps and spending most of her time in the ocean. I was so proud of her for being able to appreciate the beauty of the ocean like I had. She was starting to look so much like her mother, but her personality was very unlike her mother’s which I was happy about. I didn’t want my daughter to turn out at all like Shauna and that’s why I wouldn’t let Shauna back into our life.


Blue got a call from our mother telling her that she was still alive, our mother and father had made it! They told us not to come back because we were still being hunted, they had never given mom her body back either. I was sad for my parents, that they had to spend the rest of their lives in fear like this all because my grandmother Alexa whom I had never even met wasn’t supposed to have children. Alexa had married into the family and selfishly never told my grandfather Shang until he was already madly in love with her. I thought it was extremely selfish of her and now generations later, we were still dealing with her mistake.


Ariel would often times end up eating on her own meals by herself, I wasn’t really around much. Don’t get me wrong I loved spending time with my daughter, but I also loved spending time in the sea. Ariel could completely understand that, however, and it didn’t bother her like it had bothered her mother.


One night I had heard Ariel get up from her bed, I figured she just wanted to go look at the ocean so I didn’t bother dragging myself out of bed to see what she was doing. I had complete and utter trust in my young daughter, I knew she would never do anything to break that.

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Little did I know, she was sneaking out. She snuck down stairs, figured out how to open and close the door without me hearing, jumped on her bike and rode to who knows where doing who knows what.


“Can I get you anything else, Ariel?” Blue asked my daughter as she brought her her breakfast. I had also asked Blue to see to all of Ariel’s needs if I wasn’t around and was pleased to find out she was doing just that.

“No, that’s ok, I’m all set with this. Why don’t you sit and eat with me?” Ariel was always trying to be nice to Blue and act like she was her sister. I had been over it a million times with Ariel, that Blue was not her sister. Blue was living her until she could afford her own place and in order to pay for her stay here she was to clean, take care of the dogs, and take care of Ariel.

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