Gen. 5 ~ Chapter 5


Before Shauna and I could finish our talk we were disturbed by my mother’s screams. I was so alarmed that maybe she was being killed and ran to her screams as quickly as possible. Dad was already by her bodyless side, pulling on his hair nervously.

“Dad, what’s going on?” I yelled running to his side.

“I think she’s having a baby, Doe!” I couldn’t believe what my dad had just said, how could my mom be having a baby she was way too old to have a baby.


Mom had run out to the garden away from our screaming faces, to give birth to a baby girl. None of us knew how it was possible, but somehow it had happened.


“Doe, I don’t know how this has happened, but we can’t raise her. They’ll come for her they’ll want to kill her and us.”

“We have to get out of here then, what are we still doing here?”

“It’s not that simple, Doe. You and Shauna have to take her, go far away from here. I mean you have to leave the country, keep yourselves safe. Your mother and I will take care of the rest, we’ll miss you so much but to keep our family legacy going this is what you need to do.”


With dad’s quick advise I ran to get Shauna and quickly ran over what my dad had told me with her.

“Doe, what? I just told you I’m scared of commitment and can’t do it and you think I’m just gonna be ready to take on a baby with you and leave the country with you?” Shauna’s face was shocked and scared.

“Shauna, in order to keep you safe you have to come with me. I wouldn’t be able to leave without you anyway, I love you too much. Please come with me baby, I need you in my life.” I was holding baby blue in my arms, as I reached out to Shauna to beg her to come with me.


I had moved us to a remote island that not many people knew about and built us a house boat. I had to leave my whole family behind, but it would be worth it to keep Shauna, myself, and baby Blue safe.

That guy in the ocean with the flippers on is me, I had taken up snorkeling since moving here.


Even thought Shauna didn’t want to move or have the responsibility of having a child she was great with Blue. Before I could even get to Blue Shauna was there cuddling her and giving her bottles. Shauna was proving to be even more of my dream girl then before, now I just had to face the challenge of getting her to marry me.


I almost forgot to mention that since moving mom and dad kept Abril and her mate Sinatra and we took their puppy who we named Roman. He was still learning to use his feet and would scuttle and slide around the floor, it was the cutest thing to watch.


“Darling, won’t you please consider marrying me. We don’t have to have a party or invite anyone, just you and me we could even get a baby sitter for Blue and Roman.” I asked my wife as I slid onto our shared bed.

“Why is it such a big deal, Doe? I just want a man who can cater to my needs, not someone who always needs more from me.” I didn’t want to hear what my wife had just said, why wouldn’t she want to get married? I just couldn’t understand it.

“Shauna, it’s important to me, I’ve done so much to make you happy can’t you just do this one thing to make me happy?”

“I don’t want to end in a divorce! Okay? Are you happy now, that’s how my parents ended and they never spoke again. I just want to be happy in our relationship, which we are other then this whole marriage thing.” Shauna exploded at me, jumping from the bed.

“B-but what about if we have children? Then we won’t be married? I don’t like that Shauna, I don’t know if I can do this.”

“Then don’t do it! Nobody’s forcing you to stay, Doe!” Shauna said, stalking out of the room. “I’m sleeping in the spare room!” She yelled over her shoulder at me. I was sad that Shauna never wanted to marry me and didn’t know what to do about it.

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For the next few days I was out snorkeling, while Shauna cooked, took care of Blue and Roman and in her free time went windsurfing. We hadn’t talked since our fight, I had no idea what to say I just knew I really wanted her to be my wife.


One night a fire started from the sparks coming out of our fireplace and almost killed Shauna. I had to extinguish the whole thing myself and save Shauna, since we were floating in the middle of the ocean.

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By nearly losing her I realized how much I would miss her if I lost her and figured it wouldn’t be so bad if we weren’t married, as long as we were together. I brought Shauna upstairs to our bed and loved her, like I hadn’t for a long time. We finished by falling asleep in each other’s arms.

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Shauna snuck out after I had fallen asleep, but I caught her making a sad disgusted face as she walked out of our bedroom. I hoped it wasn’t too late for our relationship, I hoped I hadn’t ruined it by being so pushy about the marriage.

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I didn’t really love taking care of Blue as much as Shauna did, I wasn’t really cut out to be a parent to someone else’s child however. I really felt that my parents shouldn’t have just dumped Blue on Shauna and I and that they should be the ones caring for her right now. When Shauna wasn’t around, though, it was my job to care for my sister.

In my free time I still loved to fish and snorkel, I was simply amazed by the ocean.


A lot of nights Shauna would end up eating alone, because I would be out snorkeling or fishing. I did feel bad about leaving her alone, but I also needed to live my life. It wasn’t my fault that Shauna didn’t have a hobby like I did, I was the only one making money for us.

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I knew the talk would probably come sooner then later and one day while we were in the hot tub it happened.

“Doe, I really hate how much you’re gone. I mean I eat almost every meal alone, I’m pretty much the soul care giver of Blue and Roman and it sucks.”

“I’m sorry, I’ll try and be around more. I’m making us money, though.”

“We don’t need the money, your parents gave us a ton of money to build a house and live off of. Neither of us would ever even need a job.”

“Okay, you’re right, I’ll try and be here more.” I was sick of talking about this, Shauna just didn’t understand. I was also sick of staring at her lips without kissing them, so I pulled her bikini body over to me and stuck my tongue in her mouth. “I want you so bad, feel how bad I want you.” I told Shauna, pulling her hand inside of my wet suit. I heard her gasp as she touched me, her body writhing in my arms. Her kissing intensified and she pushed her tongue into my throat as she grabbed at me.

“Woah, down girl, you can have it right here if you want it baby.” I pulled my wet suit off, exposing my naked body and kissed my way down her body. She responded to my touch by throwing her leg over me to straddle me. I loved this woman, so much.

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