Gen. 5 ~ Chapter 3


As I opened my eyes and looked down at myself, nothing had changed. I couldn’t believe it, all that time and work and I was still a ghost! How could this have happened? We did absolutely everything right. Maybe I was just meant to be a ghost forever, maybe I would be stuck like this.

“Try and take another bite, bud.” Dad’s voice broke through my thoughts, startling me. “Maybe you have to finish the whole thing for it to work.” Of course! That was it, dad was right, that was why it hadn’t worked!

“You’re right.” I told him, shoving bite after bite into my mouth. When I had just eaten the last bite, I set my fork down and just like in a movie I was lifted from the chair I was sitting in by some magical force. I was in the air, spinning around and around and then finally I was set back down on the ground.


My head was still spinning as I tried to get my bearings, when I looked down I noticed there was something different about me. My vision finally cleared and there I was as a living breathing, real HUMAN!! I couldn’t believe it had worked, I wasn’t a ghost anymore!

“D-Dad! Can you see me? It worked!” I shouted at dad, not able to control my excitement.

“I’m so proud of you Doe! You did it!” Dad ran to me to give me a bear hug that I could feel so much better then I had ever been able to before. “Son, I think it’s time you called Shauna, she’s been waiting on you for years now.”


I did exactly what dad had told me and Shauna agreed to come over immediately.

“D-Doe, is t-that really you?” Shauna stood stunned as soon as she walked in the front door and saw me.

“Shauna, I’ve missed you so much. I’m so happy it worked, now we can have a life together!” I closed the distance between us and pulled her into a bear hug. I felt her as she nuzzled into my shoulder, it felt so good, I had never been able to feel her like this before in my life.


Shauna pulled back from my hug and got me nervous that she was going to leave, but instead she kissed me long and hard.

“Doe, I missed you, you didn’t have to do this to earn my love. You’ve had my love since the first time we kissed, but I still don’t mind seeing your real face and all the details in it. I never actually knew what you looked like before.”

“Well, what do you think?”


Shauna pulled back from me to check out my new human self.

“You’re smoking hot baby, but why are you green?”

“It’s kind of a long story.” I knew why I was green, mom had told me it was because I was some rare form of magical witch that could destroy the whole magical world just like her, except she was already dead so she wasn’t as powerful anymore. I didn’t really know how to tell Shauna this, I was scared I might lose her because of it.

“I think I can handle whatever it is, I mean I’ve already seen you as a ghost.” Shauna saw right through my lame excuse, knowing it was probably much more then I let on.


I pulled out my wand and began to cast a good luck charm on her, she pulled back and coward in fear of me. I had known this probably wouldn’t be a good idea, but she wasn’t running so that was a good sign, I think.

After I cast the spell I put my wand away and grabbed her hand.

“Please don’t be scared, let me explain.” I couldn’t handle it if she left because of this, after all the work I had done to become human. She nodded her head yes at me, eyes wide as I started to try and tell her what I was.


After I had explained everything to her, I proposed to her.

“Look, Doe this is all a little over whelming. I love you, I really do but I can’t give you an answer right now. I just need some time to seriously think about all this, marriage is a huge decision.” Shauna pulled away from my embrace, it hurt not to see her jump for joy that I had asked. I didn’t know what to do to change her mind on the spot.

“I know it’s a big decision, one that I thought we would be ready for once I was a human. I want you Shauna, for the rest of my life, for always and forever. Please don’t say no, please seriously consider it. I can’t live without you.”

“I will, but I’m just not sure I’m ready for all of this. I mean what if we get hunted too? I don’t think I can handle being a ghost.”

“Shauna, I will protect you with my life and so would my family. It would be ok.”

“I’m just not sure, Doe, I’m sorry. I’ll let you know, okay?” Shauna stepped around me and headed towards the front door, saying as she left, “I’ll call you, don’t give up on me just yet, give me some time to think.”

“I love you.” I whispered as the front door shut, I couldn’t believe she had just said no.


It had been a while since I had heard from Shauna, I was starting to get a little worried. Even though I was a human now     I couldn’t even enjoy it because I couldn’t get my mind off Shauna.

I went to find mom and dad one night to see what they wanted to do for dinner and found that they were in the garden together. I didn’t want to interrupt them, but I couldn’t help but over hear what they were saying.

“Copper, why don’t you eat the ambrosia? You could become human again sweetie.” Dad was urging mom to do what I had done and get rid of her ghostly body.

“Val, look at me. Do you honestly think I need to be a human? I’m an old woman why do I need to deal with all that, I’m perfectly happy with who I am. I thought you were okay with me being a ghost, are you not okay with that anymore?” Mom seemed to be hurt that dad wanted to change her.

“Of course I’m happy with you, I have never had any complaints. You never got to live as a human adult though, I just thought it would be nice now that we finally know how to make you a human for the rest of your life. Me and you sweetie don’t have too much longer here as human and ghost, soon I’ll be joining you as a ghost and we’ll be like that forever. Why don’t you just think about it, it could be nice.”

“You didn’t fall in love with me as a human, you’ve never known me as a human. I’m fine right here just how I am. I’ve accepted it Val, I’m happy. I have four wonderful children that I adore, a loving husband, beautiful dogs and three grandchildren. I don’t need anything more then that, well maybe some more grandchildren, but that’s it I love who I am.” Mom was such a strong woman, she had come to like her ghostly self and wanted to stay that way. I so admired the way my mother was, I was ashamed in a way that I couldn’t be as strong as she was and just be happy with myself.

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