Gen. 4 ~ Chapter 7


Doc had grown tremendously, I felt like an old woman since our youngest child was already crawling. I could say that I had created something beautiful out of something terrible. With my parent’s amazing sacrifices of losing their lives at such young ages and my sacrifice of becoming a ghost to continue our legacy I now had four children to continue with our legacy. I had won and there was nothing left to do but keep my family safe and enjoy the life we had built for ourselves.


With all the money Valient was making he decided to splurge on a hot tub and was loving his new gift to himself. I was happy as long as my wonderful husband was happy, our lives were really good.


Doe had recently taken to fishing in the ocean behind our house. He was turning out to be a bit of a loner, which worried me in a way. I hoped my little boy wasn’t shying away from other people because he was the only child that was a ghost. I hated having to see him go through this because I knew it was my fault that he was a ghost.

When Valient and I were thinking of having kids we had discussed this and worried that our children might all be ghosts. I had always been so worried about how it would affect any of our kids and now I could see what it was doing to Doe. I could only hope he would be strong enough to live his life.


We had decided to build a cemetery a little ways away from the house to bury the pets in. It had turned out beautifully and we proceeded to scatter the dogs ashes in it, along with placing a head stone so we would always remember them.


Leo and Snow were still best friends, constantly talking to each other about what was going on in school and their teenage lives.

Lately I had been trying to decide which of my four kids would become heir and carry on with the legacy. I knew both Leo or Snow would be a great choice, but at the same time maybe this legacy didn’t always go for the great choice. Sometimes, well most times, looking back at the heirs who came before me the most unlikely choice carried on the family name. That’s what led me to believe Doe would be a good choice for heir. Even though he may struggle. I knew in my heart he could make something beautiful just like I had.

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I kept a close eye on Doe to see if I was really right to make this decision so early. For the most part, well other then the ghostly part, he was a normal teenager. Playing video games, learning to play the drums but not really making great music with them. I wasn’t sure of my decision until Valient caught him sneaking in one night hours after curfew. When he demanded to know where Doe had been Doe simply told him he had fallen in love. Most parents would be alarmed by the news that their 15 year old thought he had fallen in love, but I was excited. It showed me how different my son really was and how special he had potential to become.

I had made my decision, Doe was the new heir. Here is your torch son, let it shine bright!

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