Gen. 4 ~ Chapter 5


I knew it was probably getting to be about the time the baby was ready to enter the world, but I wasn’t sure I was ready. I had been scared about this since the baby was conceived, I didn’t know how I was going to have a baby completely on my own.

Now as I stood in the main room, I feel a strong, crippling pain rip through my pelvic area. Valient wasn’t home, so that meant I would have to do this on my own unless I could get a hold of him at work. I didn’t have my cell phone on me and didn’t want to have to go search for it, so instead I slowly made my way into the bathroom. I didn’t know how I was going to do this, but I sure would give it one heck of a try.

I had made it into the bathroom and was now laying on the cool tiled bathtub floor. I took some pain killers, to try and help with the birth but something told me it was going to be extremely painful.


What seemed like months later I had delivered not just one baby on my own, but two! If you asked me how I did it I wouldn’t be able to say, but it was one of the hardest and worst experiences of my life. It was also one of the best experiences of my life, as well. I couldn’t believe these two little babies had come out of my ghostly body as completely normal little newborns. I also couldn’t believe that I had done this all on my own.

When I had called Valient to tell him what I had just done he was freaking out. He was upset I hadn’t called to tell him to come home, but understood I just wasn’t able to focus on finding the phone. Valient was so relieved that I was okay and overjoyed that we had two healthy babies to care for.

We named the baby girl Snow and her twin brother Leopold, I was so excited to have added to our perfect little family.


Once we all got a little bit more settled down, what with two new babies in the house, Valient and I got right back into the swing of things with each other. It had been a while since I had a normal body to work with on him and I was really enjoying not having my huge belly in the way.


I wasn’t on my birth control since having the twins and with all the late night romps it was no wonder that I was pregnant again. I was frightened, thinking about going through another birth alone, but also excited to add to our growing family. I hadn’t really had time to give much thought to having more children and honestly wasn’t sure I wanted to go through birth again, but I really didn’t have much of a choice anymore.

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Valient was a perfect, loving father always tending to the children whenever he possibly could. There were often times he would come home from work and spend hours in the nursery. On those nights I would usually find him and whichever baby he was holding asleep in the rocking chair, peacefully loving eachother’s company.

I wasn’t a bad mom myself, I absolutely adored spending time with the babies and couldn’t get enough of them. Sometimes, while Valient was at work I would just stand there and stare at the beautiful little things my husband and I had created. That would usually lead into me rubbing my again pregnant stomach and thinking about what it would be like to have another little one here in this world with me.


Even though I was married now and had been safe for quite some time, Bashful still stuck to his old habits and guarded my side of the bed for me. Our pets were truly the greatest animals on the planet. I would be so sad when Bashful’s time came, but I tried not to think about that. He had lived a full and blessed life and I was so happy that he was a part of my life.


Speaking of time to go, Sleepy just couldn’t seem to hold on any longer. She passed on from old age, but she did live a very full and wonderful life. She was a wonderful dog and had been Bashful’s mate for a very long time now. Sleepy brought Sebastian into this world and never gave us any reason not to like her. She will definitely be missed from our family.

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My days had started to consist of practicing spells, caring for the kids and falling asleep in the rocking chair in between the cribs. When Valient got home from work he would know exactly where to find me. Instead of morning sickness and extreme hunger, this pregnancy was just making me very tired. I didn’t mind it though, since I got to fall asleep in the nursery. Any time one of the babies would cry, it would wake me right up and I would see to their need.


One day that Valient had off of work, I had gone to take a nap but was woken up by the pains I now knew as contractions. I yelled for Valient to come as fast as he could and gripped my aching stomach with both hands, trying to breathe through the painful contraction. Valient had run straight from the weight bench to see what was wrong.

“The baby is definitely coming, Valient.” I tried to keep my voice calm and controlled so I wouldn’t worry him too much. I had gone through this already, on my own, he had never experienced it.

“What can I do?” He asked, his hands nervously flying to pull on his hair.

“Get me to the tub.” I told him through clenched teeth, as the next contraction waved through me. Valient was unaware of the pain I was in and slipped his arms under me, he lifted me up close to his chest and quickly carried me into the bathroom and set me in the tub.


It was a much better experience this time, don’t get me wrong it was extremely painful still, but it was really nice to have my husband there with me. He had almost lost it a few times, but he was right by my side helping me get our third child into the world.

This baby was a ghost just like me, which is what I had originally worried about when we were thinking of having children. I wasn’t sure what that would mean for our little boy, but we would have to really try and help him through life. He was 8 pounds and 4 ounces and we named him Doe.

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