Gen. 4 ~ Chapter 4

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One snowy night Valient asked me if I wanted to grab some blankets, candles and pillows and spend some time in the igloo we made. I couldn’t pass up his romantic gesture and quickly got everything he had asked for. Even though we couldn’t go out on real dates, Valient always came up with ideas to take the dates to me. He really was the perfect man for me, I had been giving some thought to the factor of us having children together and hoped it would work being as I am a ghost now. I had been looking into different spells or potions I might be able to use to aid to me being able to have a baby.

I didn’t even mean for it to happen, but we made love that night. I knew I loved this man and I was almost positive I wanted to spen the rest of my life with him. If not him, who else? It wasn’t like I was meeting anyone else, for that matter, it wasn’t like I really needed to.

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I was constantly practicing my spells and asked Valient if he’d let me try out a love spell on him. He was always such a good sport about helping me practice. He knew how important it would be for me to be good at magic in case I ever needed to protect either myself or him.


Sometimes the spells didn’t go so well, however. Valient didn’t mean to fight me, the spell made him hate me and he jumped on me. It was my own fault, so I couldn’t blame him.

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It wasn’t long before my Valient proposed to me, I knew I loved him. I was so happy my mom had indirectly chosen him for me, even though I didn’t know it at the time he was perfect for me.

I said yes and he slipped the ring on my finger, I never thought I would make it to this point. I thought I would be in a casket since I was seventeen. I was so happy to be in this moment right now, it was more then I had ever dreamed of. I could only be happier if my parents were here right now and we could all be a big happy family.


After the ring was on my finger we decided to to have a little celebration. It sure was nice to love someone, to be loved back and to have that person around all the time. I couldn’t believe this was really happening, I could only hope nothing would come in and ruin all of this for me like it usually does in my life.

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I had been throwing up a lot lately I wasn’t completely sure what was causing it, but if it continued Valient said he was going to take me to the doctors. I, of course, argued with him that if a doctor saw me they would probably want to run a bunch of different tests on me to see why I was a ghost. I really hoped it was nothing serious, I absolutely could not see a doctor. Mom had told me  to stay away from anyone else, because they would probably want to hurt me.

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We decided to get married by our igloo where we first made love, it was extremely romantic and intimate. We both dressed up all fancy and didn’t invite anyone, Valient never talked about his family and never talked to them that I knew of. I just learned not to ask about them, he didn’t seem to want to talk about it. I didn’t want anyone meeting me, anyway, so it was just the two of us.


Soon after the wedding I realized I was pregnant, I had been vomiting non stop, my belly was growing, and I was almost always hungry. We couldn’t go to the doctor about it, even though Valient kept trying to take me. I was a little scared to have a baby on my own, but I suppose, women had been doing it for centuries my body would probably just know what to do.


My pregnancy consisted of cooking, eating, and throwing up everything I had just cooked and ate. After that was down I’d have to start all over again, but it would be worth it to have a child of our own. I had never even thought about having children. I was too young to think about it and then when I was old enough there were too many other things happening in my life so it just never entered my mind. I was ready to be a mom now, though, I was excited. I just wished my parents could be a part of this whole process. When my children were ready to have kids of their own I definitely wanted to be right there with them for the whole thing.

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Valient and I had decided it would probably be safer to raise our baby in a new home, even though we both loved the cottage in the woods. Aunt Cricket still knew where the cottage was and we were both scared that maybe one day she would come check to make sure I was still dead. I could only imagine what would happen if they found out after all this time I was really alive, well half alive. The only rooms we had completely finished were our master bedroom and master bathroom, everything else was still under construction.


We even bought some mistle toe for our bedroom, so every time we both passed under it we would remember to share a kiss. Sometimes people say a baby will absolutely change your whole life, so Valient and I wanted to make sure we still kept the love between us as strong as ever.

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Valient was adorable with my belly, he was constantly grabbing me just to listen to it or tell the baby something. I was so glad I had someone like him on my side. Since I never had to worry about what anyone other then Valient thought about me, because I couldn’t meet anyone else, I was starting to get a little worried about the baby. I wasn’t sure if it would be a ghost, like me, or completely normal like Valient. If it was normal, I wasn’t sure if it would like me. I was nervous about what it would think of its mother. I sure hoped it would like me, ghostly body, witches wand and all.

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