Gen. 4 ~ Chapter 3


“Calm down, she’s not here anymore. She told me she couldn’t stay long, but that she needed to tell me what to do with you. She needed you alive, she was crying.” He ran his hand through his hair, his face looking worried.

“Where did she come from, why didn’t she want to stay to see me alive?” I was crushed I had missed my mom’s promised visit. I didn’t know why she wouldn’t want to see me, I had been waiting for her for years. I had died all on my own and now I was a ghost, revived, I didn’t even know how that was possible but here I am.

“I don’t know where she came from, she did want to see you but she said it wouldn’t be safe if she stuck around to see if you would be ok. She loves you though, I could absolutely see that. She picked me some how, Copper, for you.” His cheeks flushed, as he said that last bit.


I was still a little bit wary of Valient, but I didn’t know what else to do. His story seemed to be legitimate, but I still wasn’t sure if it was true. I wish my mother could come back, if only to tell me what I should do next. I wasn’t alone anymore, but I sure was scared. I didn’t know what to do, I didn’t even know how long I would be half alive.


Valient stayed in Aunt Cricket’s old room, I had asked him to stay with me. He did, of course, have an apartment, but I did feel a lot safer with him here. Even though I didn’t completely trust him, if my mother really had sent him I knew I should really listen to the message she was trying to send me, whatever it might be.


Valient was just like what his name said he was, as I was struggling with the broken sink he knocked on the door with a wrench in his hand. Instead of making me do much of anything for maintenance around the house, he was always there fixing, cleaning up and helping me with anything I needed.

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Valient also took me to get my first tattoo. It was a very exciting experience and he stood by smiling at me the whole time.


Bashful was right by my side, he was always trying to protect me no matter what. Every night Bashful slept on the empty side of my bed. It felt great to have my pup watching over me at all times.


One night as I was getting ready for bed there was a knock on the door. Valient was right behind me as I peeked out the front window. I absolutely couldn’t believe who it was at the door. My mother was here, I ripped the front door open and threw myself at her. I was sobbing into my mother’s shoulder like I was ten years old again.

“It’s okay, baby, it’s all gonna be okay. I’m here now.” Mom whispered at me, gently rubbing my back.

“I’ve missed you so much, w-why haven’t you come back for me sooner? Maybe I wouldn’t have ended up like this.” I pulled out of the tight embrace to look into my mother’s eyes with my ghostly ones.

“I’m so sorry, I’ve tried so hard to keep you safe. I wish I could change what happened so you would never have to go through anything like that. I should be the one dead right now. I wanted Valient to revive you, completely, but I guess he couldn’t do it all the way. I’m going to do all I can to get you back to normal, all I’ve wanted in life is to protect you. It’s my fault you’re in so much danger.”

“What should I do now?”

“It’s up to you, don’t keep many friends I try not to talk to many people as it is. In your state, you shouldn’t be seeing anyone, honestly.”


“What about Valient, should I still let him stay?”

“Yes, he’ll protect you, no matter what. I want to leave the decision up to you, but he might be a good one to carry on our legacy with.” I pulled back from mom, stunned, she had picked a husband for me, since I couldn’t see anyone.

“He’s lovely mom, but an arranged marriage?” I wasn’t sure if I could fall in love with someone my mother had chosen for me.

“Darling, I’m not saying you have to, but I am saying he’s safe and you can trust him. It is completely up to you, I don’t want to make this choice for you.”

“Thank you, mom. How long are you staying?”

“I’m not, I needed to see you to tell you how sorry I was and what you should do next. I knew how lost you must be, but I can’t stay here I’ll put you in more danger. I also have to try and see if I can save your sister now that you’re okay.”

“M-my what?” I couldn’t believe what my mom had just said, I knew she was pregnant when she was taken but I never thought the baby had survived.

“Her name is Swan, one day I might send her to you if it’s safe enough. I love you, please try and stay safe.” With that my mom waved her wand and vanished.

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In the next few days I let Valient romance me and it turned out that I liked it. I decided to trust him, because of what my mom had told me. It turned out that I really liked him, he was the sweetest man I had ever met. Even though my mom had set up an arranged relationship, it turned out that I was falling, on my own for him.

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I still practiced my magic and spells, as often as I could I didn’t know what could happen at any moment. Then of course, my time was also filled with my animals. I loved them so much, there were times that they were the only ones I trusted and loved. They were always there for me, no matter what.


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