Gen. 4 ~ Chapter 2

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I woke up this morning, my parents on my mind, I missed them terribly. I was thinking about talking to Aunt Cricket today about that odd man I saw her whispering to the other day. When I walked out of my room, however, the odd man was here! I quickly turned on my heel and went back into my room. No sooner then I had turned my back on the door, it opened again. The odd man walked through my door, I was scared, why would Aunt Cricket bring this man into our house? I wasn’t supposed to be seen by anyone, didn’t she get that?


The odd man came up to me, his lips were curled back in a crooked sneer.

“Aren’t you a pretty little thing?” The man hissed at me, checking out my boobs.

“E-excuse me, b-but this is my room and my house. I-I think you need to get out, now!” I tried to make my voice strong and meaningful, but I couldn’t help the shaking it did. I was scared of this man, I didn’t know why he had been let in. He wasn’t good, I had a terrible feeling about him.

“Oh, baby, you don’t want me out. You’ll learn to change your mind, baby.”

“I’m not your baby, you need to leave.”


“I don’t want to leave, you don’t really want me to leave either.” He reached out a crooked hand to try and grope me, but I smacked him away.

“Don’t you dare try to touch me! A-Aunt Cricket!!” I backed away from the man, calling for my Aunt. I didn’t know what was going to happen, but I was very scared.

“Oh, baby, don’t do that. She won’t save you from me,  she’d do anything to make me happy. Cricket is my little mistress, I want you to join us. You’re simply breath taking, come here, I won’t hurt you.” He sneered at me again with that smile and moved towards me, cornering me against the wall. I don’t want to write what happened next, you can probably figure it our for yourself. This book isn’t about that, I don’t want the rest of the generations, if there are any, to have to hear what happened here.


After he was done with me he grabbed me by the wrist and drug me into the living room. Aunt Cricket showed up and took my other wrist.

“Aunt Cricket, w-what’s going on? Please, get him away from me, you don’t know what he’s done.” She didn’t respond, she simply pulled me along through the front door and near our bushes.

“Let me go, please somebody help me!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs, but that was why we moved here. We wanted to be hidden, we didn’t want anyone to find us. I was scared, alone and helpless, I didn’t know what to do. Aunt Cricket was supposed to help me, to keep me safe. Instead she was turning on me, she had joined this evil man and was completely listening to him.


That was how I died, Aunt Cricket aided the awful man in strangling me and throwing me in the thick bushes. It was over, I was dead. The last thing I thought about was my family and if I was going to see them now.


Some time had passed since I had been murdered, I had seen my father and told him what had happened to me. He was horrified to see me, but told me he had really missed me. It hadn’t been long before I was summoned back into the world I had died in. I slowly materialized into a see through ghost standing in front of a wide eyed man.

“W-where am I?” I asked the man, my voice sounding gravely and very much not like my human voice.

“I can’t believe it worked, I’m Valient Charming there will be time for all your questions later. Right now we’ve got to get you out of sight, we’re going to go back to the house you used to live in. No one would ever expect us to be there, come on come with me.” He grabbed my thin hand and pulled me toward a waiting car. Even though I was wary of this man, something told me I should go with him.


Once we arrived back at my old little cottage I ran inside to try and find all my pets. Happy, my cat was here and I greeted him warmly as he purred against me. Bashful and Sleepy came out next, their tails wagging so hard their whole body moved. The last to trot out to greet me was their puppy Sebastian, who was now a full grown dog.

“Where are the others?” I asked Valient, looking around for Star and Radioactive.

“They must have taken them, I’ve been trying to care for all of them. I didn’t even know there were others.” He looked puzzled, like I was telling him something that wasn’t true.

“Who took them? And who are you, why are you here, how did you get me to come back?” I fired off question, after question. I didn’t want to over bear the guy, but I needed these answers before I just went on with my life.

“Cricket took them, her and Amsted. I found you, your body I didn’t know what to do. Before I could call the police your mother, Alexa appeared out of thin air. She told me to save you, to find some way to bring you back. I’ve been working with the guys in the lab since then, trying to find some way to bring you back and I did. Even though I wanted to bring you back as a human, at least this is a start.” He shrugged, looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

“Wait, you met my mother? Where is she now?” I looked around the small cottage for my mother, frantically searching the whole place with my eyes.

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