Gen. 3 ~ Chapter 6


“How’s she doing?” Alexa asked me, as I watched our daughter lye helplessly in her bed.

“No signs of improvement.” I told her, my shoulders slumping. “How are you doing?” I asked, reaching out for my wife.

“Never mind me, Shang, if this breaks the curse it’s going to kill you. I’ll be sent into witch slavery forever.”

“I know, I’m prepared to do whatever it takes to keep her alive. I’ve lived my life, now it’s time for her to live hers.”

“You’re still so young, how can you say that?”

“It’s what gets me through, darling.” I pulled her close to me, gently kissing her soft hair.


“Because of what we did, you now have to keep this little one safe too.” I groaned, reaching down and feeling my wife’s small pregnant belly.

“It was worth it.” She blinked those smoldering chocolate eyes up at me, standing on her tip toes to kiss me.

“Are you sure you can do that if you become a slave?”

“I’ll do my very best, Shang. I love you, you have and always will be my first love. No matter what happens, you know that right?” Her voice cracked on the last part and a single tear fell down her soft cheek.

“I love you more then anything, Alexa.” I held her in my arms, both of us shedding tears together in what would be our last embrace.


Just hours later, Copper had recovered, like nothing had ever happened to her and I fell to the hard kitchen floor with terrible pains in my heart.

“I love you both, more then life itself.” I managed to get out my last words, just as everything around my went black and fuzzy. I could still hear my wife’s screams and Copper’s sobs, but I knew death would be worth it if Copper could be okay.

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