Gen. 3 ~ Chapter 3


I had stepped out to the bathroom, semi-avoiding the conversation my wife had tried to bring up. I was scared and not sure I would ever be ready to have a baby of my own. A little person who needed me and was completely helpless without me or my wife. I didn’t know how to tell Alexa this without looking like the weak man I truly was on the inside. I had walked into the spare room, the one Alexa must have been planning to be a baby’s room this whole time. Alexa must have snuck up behind me while I was lost in thought, because I felt two gentle hands wrap around my waist from behind.

“Shang, I know it might seem like too much to think about, but I’ve always wanted to be a mother. I’ve always wanted to bring another little life into this world. Please, will you just think about it, think about having a baby with me. It’s the last thing we need to complete this little wonderful family of ours.” My wife was so sweet, so innocent and amazing. I turned her around and scooped her up in my arms, she tried to speak to me but I put my finger to her lips.

“Don’t talk baby.”


That was the first time I had ever actually tried to have a baby with someone. It was so much more intimate then not trying, it was a completely different experience. I couldn’t believe this was actually happening. My wife took me to paradise.


After that night with Alexa I decided to surprise her and show my commitment by buying a crib for our new baby. We didn’t know for sure if she was pregnant yet, but we were definitely hoping for our first child. I was still pretty nervous about the whole baby thing and wasn’t sure how good of a dad I could be, but if my wife wanted it she would get it.


Alexa had found out she was indeed pregnant. She was so excited she decided to throw a party and invite our families. I was very anxious for the party, since I wasn’t sure how my mom was going to be about me having a child with Alexa, but it would be her grand child so she’d just have to get over it.

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Everyone came, my mother, my father, Ping, Cricket, even Grandma and Grandpa. Ali, Alexa’s mother couldn’t make it because of work, but Alexa said she didn’t mind since she wanted to visit with her mother on her own anyway.


After we announced Alexa’s pregnancy, mom decided she wanted to give us a gift. It turned out to be a teddy bear for our new little baby, we asked her how she knew and she just told us she had a feeling. Mom pulled me aside after her gift giving to talk.

“Shang, I’m so excited for my first grand child, but I can’t be a big part of your life or the baby’s life. I can’t except who you’ve married and I especially can’t except this grand child if it’s going to be like its mother.” Mom gave me a hug and slowly walked away from me, out the door. I didn’t know, however, that would be the last time I ever saw my mother.


Star and Radioactive decided they would start their own family, they only had one pup a little boy who we named Bashful. It was so wild to have dogs that kept their own legacy going just as long as my family had. I knew it wasn’t the same exactly, but that I should probably watch my dogs to see how to be a good dad or even a dad at all.

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Alexa decided to take a trip to visit my grandma, she had always been a little easier with Alexa and my relationship then the rest of my family had. My grandma had been one of the only ones to support me completely and tell me I should marry Alexa if I really truly loved her with all of my heart.

“Estella, Druzella’s your daughter, how do we get through to her? I’m so worried she won’t be a part of this child’s life, I really do want her in our life.” Alexa looked down at her small belly, which really hadn’t grown much yet.

“Druzella has always been very strong headed, if she sets her mind to something there’s no stopping her. I’m so sorry she’s not taking to you and Shang being married. I do hope one day she’ll realize she wants to be a part of her grand child’s life, I know my grand children mean the absolute world to me. That said, unfortunately there’s nothing you can do about her not accepting you. Just live your life, sweet heart, be happy and don’t let anyone get you down. Make my grand son the happiest man in the world and everything else will fall into place.” Estella patted Alexa on the shoulder and Alexa simply broke down in Estella’s arms.


The next stop my wife had to make was to see her mother, Ali. She had been stressing over whether or not now would also be a good time to tell her mother she was a witch. I felt so bad for putting all this stress on my poor wife, most of it was coming from my family and this baby I had impregnated her with.


“Mom, it’s so good to see you, I’ve missed you so much.” Alexa stuck out her hand and shook her mother’s hand, until Ali reached out and pulled her daughter in for a big hug.

“I’ve missed you so much, my baby girl.”

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