Gen. 3 ~ Chapter 2


“I’m just gonna come right out and say it, I’m a witch. Complete with a magic wand and coldrum, my mom doesn’t know so please don’t tell her. I’ve been trying to tell her when the time is right, but it just hasn’t come yet. I married you and i trust you with everything, even a secret this big I just hope you can still love me.” Alexa hung her head in shame, her shoulders slumping, as she nervously pulled on her long braided hair.

“Alexa, I will always love you, no matter what or who you are.” I put my hand under her soft chin and lifted it to look into her eyes.

“But can you still live with me?” She let out a long sigh, returning her eyes to the ground.

“Of course, I love you forever, you are my wife and I want to spend the rest of my life with you darling.” Even though she was a witch and I didn’t know what that entailed, I would still always love her.

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It turned out to be Halloween that night and the first house Cricket and Ping visited was ours. Cricket dressed as a cheerleader, while Ping was an alien. I knew my siblings were missing me and I really did miss them too, I hoped they would be able to bond with each other and get over the fact that I wasn’t living with them anymore.

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My new wife tried her best to cook for me, but she always ended up burning the food and I would have to take over and cook something instead. I didn’t mind cooking for the two of us, but I knew she really wanted to be able to do that for me so I continued to let her try.

She would also wave her wand around chanting spells, but nothing would really come of it so it didn’t really bother me yet. I really wasn’t sure what I thought of her being a witch, I just knew I loved her with all a man could love.

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Our nights normally ended like this, I loved having a wife to do this with. It was one of the most intimate, emotional, satisfying, and just down right wonderful things I had ever experienced. She was the best thing that had ever happened to me, as I gazed into her deep chocolate eyes I knew I had made the right choice marrying her.


It was just a normal day, I had invited my mom over just to catch up and try to get back on her good side. I just hoped in the shower before she came while Alexa was busy studying her recipes. I had told her my mother was going to come, so she should probably just stay where she was so I could try and bond with my mom on my own.

I suppose I had taken too long in the shower and my mom had just let herself in, she happened to head Alexa making potions and walked in on her.


Mom was waiting for me in my bedroom when I got out of the shower.

“Son, we need to talk, alone.” Mom’s eyes darted to the door that led into where I knew Alexa was. Had she found out about what Alexa really was? So many thoughts were rushing through my head, I was not ready to tell my mom about my wife just yet. I brought mom out to the living room and sat on the couch with her.

“What’s wrong mom?” I asked, trying to sound innocent.

“Your wife isn’t normal, I knew there was something wrong with that girl all along! I want you to get a divorce, as soon as possible.” I couldn’t believe the words mom was saying, yes Alexa was different, but that was no reason to go back on my vows.

“Mom I made a promise to Alexa, that I would be with her no matter what for the rest of our lives. I will not forsake that promise.” The light went out from mom’s eyes, she ran a shaking hand through her short dark hair.

“Shang, I don’t want to be a part of this, you’ve dug yourself a while that I can’t pull you out of. I wish I could have my little boy back.” Tears welled in my mother’s eyes as she scooted out of the room. I watched her go, not trying to stop her, I knew she wouldn’t be able to accept this.

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Life went on like normal after that, except I didn’t hear from my mom. I was a good husband and fixed the sink every time it broke and I definitely got rewarded for it every night.


We were the cutest couple if I do say so myself, I loved the fact that we could be so happy just with each other. We did have Star, but it wasn’t like we needed our parents or even a baby of our own to be happy. I loved my wife so much, I was so happy it was just her and I for the rest of our lives.


Alexa even cast a good luck charm on me, I was a little bit afraid at first but it turned out really well.


We worried sometimes that Star was getting a little lonely so we adopted another little pup who we named Radioactive. Star had taken to him immediately and they loved to snuggle all night.


One night as we were having dinner Alexa decided to ask me a very serious question.

“Darling, do you ever think this life isn’t enough? Do you ever wonder if there’s something more for our family?” Alexa blinked up at me with her beautiful chocolate eyes.

“I’m perfectly happy just how we are, baby, what do you mean exactly?” I thought I knew what she was getting at, but I wasn’t sure I was ready for this conversation.

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