Gen. 3 ~ Chapter 1


Since mom handed the book over to me, I decided it would only be right if I had Alexa join me in this wild quest that mom calls a legacy. It only seemed right to ask Alexa to be my wife, I loved her more then myself and I wanted to spend every day I could with her. Mom and dad probably wouldn’t approve, since they think Alexa only brings trouble, but we’re all adults now I do hope we can settle our differences.

Alexa said yes, which now that makes her my beautifulĀ fiance. I was definitely looking forward to having her by my side for the rest of my life, she was my best friend who I had snuck out many nights to be with. More then just my best friend, she was also my lover, my sidekick, my partner in crime. I couldn’t wait to get married and move in together.


It was the day of my wedding, I had invited the whole family. My parents weren’t very happy about my marriage to Alexa, but they had still agreed to be there to support me. My little brother Ping who looked up to me because I was much older then him had joined me for breakfast.

“Shang, why do you want to get married, mom and dad say it will ruin your life.” Little Ping was heavily influenced by my parents, since I was normally at work or out with Alexa and didn’t spend much time with him when we were younger because I was so much older than him.

“There comes a point in your life when all you want to do is get married and start a life for yourself and your bride, Ping. You won’t understand now, because you’re a little bit too young. One day though, Ping, you’ll hopefully be in the same position I’m in right now.” I wasn’t really sure how to explain love to a ten year old, but I did my best.

“I’m gonna miss having a big bro around.” Ping looked sad, as he said that last part. I didn’t want him to ever feel like I wasn’t there for him, I loved my little brother.

“I’ll still be around, bud, all you gotta do is tell mom or dad you want to come for a visit. You’re welcome any time, okay?”

“Okay, I just don’t want you to leave forever.” I held out my arms for the little guy and he fell into my strong chest. I hugged him tightly trying to make sure he knew how important he was to me.


“Grandma, thanks for coming. I’ve missed you and grandpa so much.” I shook my grandmother’s hand at first, before she pulled me in for a big hug.

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world, sweetheart. I heard your parents have been giving you a hard time about your young bride.” Grandma pulled back from the hug to look deep into my eyes, I always felt when she did that she was looking right through me. I nodded my head, glumly, I did wish my parents would be a little bit happier for me.

“Listen, if you’ve found a girl that you love more then anything in this world, you would give your life for her. If she fills that extra little spot in your heart, and you can’t live without her. Don’t you dare let anyone tell you she isn’t right for you.”


Alexa was absolutely jaw dropping as she walked down the aisle toward me. She wore a deep crimson dress with a black bodice, unlike the traditional white that brides usually wear. I liked it, because it was different, just like her. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her, the way her pale blonde hair shone in the fresh sunlight. I was ready to say ‘I do’ to this woman and confess my love to her in front of all of my family and friends.

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Everyone clapped, grandma even through some rice. Mom and dad were clapping, but their faces were of that of disgust. Even though this was the happiest day of my life, I was saddened that my own parents couldn’t join in on my happiness.


Dad pulled me aside after the ceremony to, what I thought, talk some sense into me.

“Son, even though we say no to you marriage, we love you. I not say we support you choice, but we never stop loving you.” Dad pulled me in for a hug, I was glad dad was able to suck up his pride a little to tell me this. I never wanted to lose my parent’s love.

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The new house was small, but just perfect for me and my new wife. I let Alexa pick out the furniture and decorate the place, since I didn’t really mind what it would look like. She was very artsy and had a knack for getting things just how she wanted them. The end result, was perfect, we didn’t really have enough money to buy all the things we wanted yet. It would all come together in time, however. We didn’t want to live with my parents, or take any money from them, so we were trying to make it all on our own.

In one of the rooms in the house, there was an odd stand, with tons of old books on it and a pot near it. I wasn’t sure what in the world this would be used for so I went to find Alexa to ask her if she’d made some sort of mistake bringing this piece of furniture into the house.


“Alexa, what is that?” I asked, pointing at the odd wooden stand.

“Shang, there’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. I wanted to tell you before, but I thought you might not marry me with everything your families been saying and then for me to drop something like this on you.” I had no idea where Alexa was going with this, but it did not sound good.

“What is it, you know you can always tell me anything babe.” I held my breath waiting for her response, having absolutely no idea what she was about to say.

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