Gen. 2 ~ Chapter 7


“Son, you have to prepare, we make you heir son.” Youseff was trying to tell young Shang that he wanted him to take over the family line of writing like I do. Of course, he was a little young to understand what Youseff was trying to tell him and I wasn’t even sure if it was going to be Shang or Cricket yet. I was honestly thinking we would leave the decision up to the two of them and whoever wanted to do it could.


Leaha and Mushu only had one puppy in the entire litter, but we were okay with that. We decided we would name her Star, because she had a little star on her back.


Cricket was the most adorable little girl in the world, at least in her mother’s eyes.


Soon enough, our third child was born. He was a little boy and he was a surprise, we were not expecting to have him but we were still happy he was here. We named him Ping and promised each other that he would be our last baby.


“Dad, I think you and mom should come live with me for a while. You’ve been here with Druzella for a while, but since my divorce I’m by myself with Justing and i know you and mom are worrying yourselves sick over Dru and her exploring. You can’t really think you’ll have to be the ones to support three kids and help Youseff do you?” Ana had stopped by to try and get mom and dad to move in with her. I didn’t really mind if they went to be with her, because she really did need some support since her divorce and now being a single mom to Justin. I did, however mind the words she was saying to my dad about me, but I knew the whole family was upset about me exploring because we lost Gus at a young age.


“You’re really stressing mom and dad out and at their ages it’s not good for them to live with you. I really don’t want them here anymore, I love you Dru and they do too, but it’s just not healthy. We all hate that you’ve chosen to do something so dangerous with your life, after what happened to Gus and he wasn’t even risking his life!” Ana was trying for the millionth time to talk some ‘sense’ in me, but I didn’t want to hear it. I couldn’t believe she thought mom and dad shouldn’t live with me anymore because of that not because she needed them after her divorce.

“If they want to go, they can go.” I didn’t want to mess up mine and my twin’s relationship even more, so I just gave her a simple answer with no argument.


Just like that mom and dad were saying goodbye to all three kids, I was sad that they didn’t think they could live here anymore. I loved having them around the kids all the time, but I guess they also hadn’t spent too much time with their other grandchild, Justin, and hoped them all the best.


“Even though dad and I are upset with you, we still love you and always will Druzella. I know this won’t stop you from exploring, so please baby, be careful out there. Take care of my grand babies, we’ll be back to visit soon.” Mom pulled me into a hug, I could hear the tears in her voice as she told me how much she would still be worrying about me. I was sorry to put that stress on my parents, but at the same time it was my life. If something happened to me Youseff would be ok to care for the kids on his own.

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After my parents moved out, there were more adventures to be had. This time I brought the whole family with me, so the kids could see what their mom did for a living.


Our little baby was growing up so fast, already potty trained and starting to say his first words. Ping was our adorable little boy and with my parents gone Youseff and I were to sole care takers. We got to spend a bit more time with him, which was definitely a good thing since he was growing so quickly.


The kids got along so well together, I loved seeing my babies loving each other because I loved them so much. Shang was Cricket’s big brother and she looked up to him so much, she tried to be just like him and they spent a lot of time together.

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