Gen. 2 ~ Chapter 5


My belly was growing every day, it had become huge in these last few months, the baby would be arriving any day now. Youseff and I had decided to wait a little bit before actually getting married, I wanted to be able to fit in a proper wedding dress. We were also thinking about getting married in Egypt, so for now just an engagement would be fine for us. It was nice having Youseff living with us, he helped me with anything I needed and since I was huge now I sure did need a lot.


I had taking a great liking to Youseff’s dog Mushu and decided he needed to learn how to hunt. Leaha was already a great hunting dog and always brought us home different gems and metals. I figured Mushu would get it eventually.


A few days later I went into labor, it definitely hurt don’t let this picture fool you. I was just trying to be calm so my dad would calm dad a little, but it didn’t really work. I did start freaking out a bit, but mom was soon right by my side guiding me through everything I needed to be doing and Youseff was in the background with my dad trying to be a little bit calmer.


What seemed like years latter we had our first beautiful little baby in the new nursery. He was a little boy weighing 7 pounds and 3 ounces, we decided to name him Shang. I absolutely could not believe I had a child, but here I was holding my very first baby. After the labor I had to go through I honestly didn’t think I would have any more. I hoped I would be able to raise this little boy so he would grow up into a wonderful man similar to my father, Youseff, or my brother Gus.


Youseff loved our little baby and was constantly in the nursery caring for him, it was like he was born to be a daddy. He knew exactly what to do at every moment for Shang, while on the other hand, I had to be walked through everything step by step. It was great to have a partner like Youseff to help balance me out and teach me things about our son.


Youseff decided it was time for him to get a job, since he would be permanently living here with us. He wanted to help contribute to our family in every way he could, he applied for a job in the culinary just like my mom.


We weren’t the only ones who loved spending time with Shang, my dad and mom were ga ga about him. Even though they weren’t really pleased with how he came into being, that absolutely did not stop their love for him. I loved seeing my parents with Shang, since I had never had grandparents around to cuddle and coo over me.


My mom was loving the new wine cellar dad had built for her and balanced her time between spending time down their, working and being with Shang.


“Are you in love with my daughter?” Estella asked Youseff one afternoon as they were having grilled cheese together.

“If weren’t in love, wouldn’t have given her ring.” Youseff replied, matter-of-factly.

“Yes, but did you just propose to her because of Shang? You don’t have to marry her if you’re not in love with her. Actually I’d rather you didn’t if you aren’t.” Estella was being very intense with Youseff, but it was only because she loved her daughter so much.

“I love both Druzella and Shang, I would not trade or leave them if life depended on it.”

“I’m happy to hear you say that, I just want to be sure you’ll stay together forever. I don’t want you leaving, especially since you have a baby together now.”


I was doing extremely well selling my paintings, I was really able to make a career out of just this alone. I’m really happy I can be a painter, since I can spend more time at home and be there for Shang whenever he needs someone. Mom works at the restaurant for some of the day, Youseff does the same and dad is still a fantastic doctor and goes in whenever they need him, so I’m Shang’s main care giver. I definitely never thought I would be the one giving Shang all the care he needed, but I was glad I had been able to learn what to do for most of his needs. If I was ever unsure of something mom was happy to give me advice from all her years of experience and said I could call her whenever I needed advice while she was at work. I never thought life with a baby would be this much of a happy thing for me.

Anastasia had called me recently to tell us her and Andre were expecting their first child. I always knew Ana was cut out to be a mom, when she called she was simply over joyed. You know how they say when you’re pregnant you glow? Well, Ana’s voice was radiating with pregnant glow I didn’t even need to see her face. I was so happy for her and mom and dad were absolutely thrilled to be having another grand child. They had been ready to be grand parents since Gus got married, which was at least six years before Ana had gotten married.


Youseff and I were still extremely intimate with each other, taking all the time we could get to be alone. I loved Youseff with all of my heart, I think I’ve honestly found something very close to the love that my parents have had for all these years.


Dad would take out the garbage for mom, while she cooked him their breakfast, they were still the most adorable couple on the planet. I very much admired my parent’s relationship. I think all three of us kids had always looked at my parents and said to ourselves, I want to be like that when I’m married. I sure did hope Youseff and me would be something similar to my parent’s great love.


Youseff had recently taken up writing short stories, which he would sell for a small sum. Everyone has got to start somewhere though, he was doing good for just starting out. He still wanted to excel at cooking, but he also loved to write about all the Egyptian things other sims didn’t know about.


Youseff and I had decided to potty train Shang together, instead of him just listening to one of us. I liked that most of the time we did things as a team.


Youseff was very much in love with our little boy, he would go straight to the nursery when he got home from work. It was the most adorable thing. The thought of having more children had definitely crossed my mind, but for now I was ready to be content with just one child for a while. I wasn’t really sure where Youseff stood on having more children, but I didn’t really want to bring it up until I was ready for more.


“What you thinking bout our marriage?” Youseff pulled me into his arms one day and brought up something I had simply put in the back of my mind.

“Well, now that I’ve lost all the baby weight I’d definitely like to get married soon. I guess we could start saving up a little bit of money to head back to Egypt.” I replied gently kissing the tip of his nose.

“I been thinking bout it, I do not want leaving Shang. I miss him too much.” I still found Youseff’s accent so adorable, I had never really thought about having the wedding at our house but maybe it would be nice.

“We could have it here, that way I’d be able to invite Ana and mom and dad would be able to be a part of it.”

“I like that idea, we save money too.”

“Yes, we definitely would. I think that’s what we’re going to do then, I’ll start planning everything with mom.”


Mom and I had planned everything out and soon enough the time had come already, it was my wedding day. I had decided to put my hair in an Egyptian style for the wedding, since we wouldn’t be going to Egypt for the wedding I wanted to bring a little bit of Egypt here. I knew Youseff would love my hair, even though he wouldn’t say it I knew he really missed Egypt. I was a little bit sad that we wouldn’t be going to Egypt for our wedding, but eventually we would definitely back there. I couldn’t wait to explore some more of the many tombs that were there.


After I had finished primping I went into the nursery to get Shang ready for the wedding, only to be surprised by Ana who had already gotten Shang dressed for me. Ana was going to be my maid of honor, so she had asked if she could wear her wedding dress since it was the only fancy dress she really owned. I didn’t mind much, since her dress had a pink shade to it and mine had a gold shade to it.

“Thanks a lot Ana, how’s everything been going with you Andre and the new baby?” I asked her, wondering how things were since her pregnancy.

“We’re doing okay, the baby he’s great. I love being a mother, Andre has just been working a lot lately. I’m not sure he’s really ready to be a dad yet.” She let out a long sigh, it definitely seemed like she was having some marital problems.

“What did you name the baby? I’m sure Andre will warm up to him, he is his son after all.”

“We named him Justin, yeah maybe he will. So far though, all we’ve been doing is arguing because he doesn’t take care of him. We’re not even intimate much anymore, I still want to be but if he won’t even take care of Justin why should I be? I love Justin more then Andre, I think.” It was hard to hear what my sister was saying, I had such a great relationship with Youseff and our son. I couldn’t even picture a relationship like my sister’s anymore.

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