Gen. 2 ~ Chapter 4


It was Ana’s wedding day, I was anxious about the whole day in general. She looked absolutely stunning in her ruffled slightly pink dress. I loved my sister and I would definitely miss her once she moved out with Andre. Even though I would miss her I was excited for her to be married, as long as it would make her happy.


The wedding went very well, there were lots of tears and shouts of joy. After the ceremony I saw dad take Ana aside and tell her how much he loved her and was going to miss her.

“Don’t you let him hurt you, baby. If he does you make sure you let me know and I’ll be there that second.” Cruz told Ana, his eyes welling with tears.

“Daddy, it’ll be ok, Andre loves me and I love him. I promise I’ll visit you guys a lot and if you ever wanna talk I’m only a phone call away. Focus on Druzella, she needs you guys. Don’t let her get hurt on any of her journeys, okay Daddy?” Ana said sweetly, reaching up and wiping a tear away from our dad’s face. He pulled her into a long hug and they both started to cry, they had always had a special relationship since Ana looked so much like mom.


After the goodbyes were said Ana grabbed her things and was on her way with Andre to their new home. That’s not, however, a blonde head in that taxi. Mom, dad and I decided to move to a bit of a bigger hand built house instead of the little house mom and dad had started out in. Ana and Andre had asked if they could take Bellaboosh and Thomas with them, since they didn’t have any pets and Ana had always had a special bond with Bella. We didn’t want to split the dogs up, but Leaha wasn’t a puppy anymore so we figured it would be okay.


Our new house was fabulous, Dad had been secretly working on it for months now. Let me show you around a little.

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The only two rooms that were finished were the master bathroom and the kitchen, but eventually with a lot of hard work we’ll be able to finish the rest of the house.


I had really gotten back into painting a lot with my free time, since I didn’t really have a career. I considered myself to be self-employed, because I could sell my paintings for over $500 each. I had recently found out some very hard to take in news, which involved Youseff. My body had been changing a lot lately, I noticed I was gaining weight like crazy. I had never really gained a lot of weight before, I was a bit of a fitness freak as it was and didn’t really eat badly. I was also experiencing some vomiting here and there. When Youseff had visited we must have made a baby, I had never really thought about protection and I guess neither had he. I knew I would only get bigger, so I had to tell mom, dad, and Youseff. This was going to be tough.


“Dad, there’s something that’s been on my mind for a little while.” I tried to start the conversation casually with my dad, playing chess like how we used to when I was a little girl.

“Hmgh, are you sure that move was legal?” He seemed like he hadn’t even heard what I had just said, completely focused on the game.

“Yes, go google it if you don’t believe me. So, d-dad, did you hear what I said?” I nervously tried to get his attention back to what I needed to tell him. I figured dad would take the news a little better then mom, being as mom would probably end up being the baby’s care giver since I knew nothing about raising a child.

“Yes, but listen before that, me and your mother have been talking. As long as you’re living here we don’t want you traveling using our money anymore. We don’t want you traveling at all, it’s so dangerous we both worry so much while you’re gone. Can’t you just pick something else to do with your life at this point?” Of course dad would bring something like this up when I was trying to tell him something important.

“Exploring is what I love to do, dad.” I replied, matter-of-factly.

“Yes, but can’t you just explore here? I can see going on vacation every once and a while, but exploring tombs? Jumping down wells? Sweetheart your life is on the line here. We already lost one child, we’d never be able to forgive ourselves if we lost you too.” Dad brought up Gus’ death, it brought me right back to the day it happened. I heard someone telling me my brother was deceased, I heard my sister’s sobs, felt my mother’s arms gripping me, saw the pain in my father’s face. I hated thinking about that day, I didn’t want to talk to dad anymore so I got up and ran to my room.

Once I was safely tucked in my room with the door locked I threw myself on the bed and sobbed. I cried for my brother, for Leo, for the grandmother I never knew who had died trying to see me, for Youseff, for the love I felt for Youseff that would surely be wrecked once he found out about the baby, for my parent’s disappointment when they found out about the baby, and for the poor little creature inside of me. I didn’t know how on earth I would raise a baby on my own.


That night I decided I would make my parents dinner and just come out and tell them already. I was making homemade waffles, or at least I was attempting to. Cooking was never really my strong point, my mom had always cooked mostly everything so I never had to worry about making food for myself.


I had ended up getting distracted thinking about how on earth I was going to come out and say this to the people who had put so much effort into me, the people who were already disappointed in me for being an explorer. Anyway, I burned the waffles in my day dreams, but mom and dad were trying to eat them anyway.

“Guys, I’ve been waiting for the right moment to tell you something. It never seems like the right moment, but I have already tried. I can’t wait any longer, because eventually you’ll find out on your own anyway.” I bashfully ducked my head as I quickly blurted out a speech I hadn’t prepared.

“What do you mean, Druzella?” It was mom’s voice, she reached over and pulled my big hat up so she could see my face.

“I didn’t mean to do it, okay? I didn’t know, I never would have thought it could even happen.” I stopped there, not wanting to say the words. I feared that once I said I was pregnant out loud it would make it true and a little baby would just be in my arms waiting for my attention.

“Have you gotten into drugs?” Dad’s voice now, he sounded worried. I shivered, not wanting to tell him what it really was.

“Dru, you know we’re here for you, no matter what. We’d rather know, then be kept in the dark. Maybe we can even help you if you tell us.” Mom was trying to be sweet, trying to just get me to say it already.

“I sure hope you can help me.” I mumbled, feeling the tears starting to well in my eyes. I was such a terrible person, how could I let this happen? Not only would I let mom and dad down, I would let Youseff down, our love down, and this little baby down. I felt mom’s hand gently rubbing my back, heard my father push his chair back to come sit next to me.

“I’m pregnant you guys. I’m so sorry.” It came out in a whisper, but at this point they were both so close to me I was sure they heard it. Mom gasped, her hand stopped rubbing as she slumped back in her chair.

“Who is the bastard? I’ll kill him right now!” Dad sounded furious, they hadn’t even met Youseff when he was here.


In the end I told mom and dad everything and they assured me that they would be there to help me and guide me. They did tell me they didn’t want to be raising another baby and wanted me to do most of the work. They encouraged me to invite Youseff here and tell him in person, they wanted me to ask him to stay with us for a while. Through the baby’s birth, at least, maybe even have him move in to permanently help care for his child.

“I’m so glad you came, I’ve missed you!” I told Youseff, trying not to let him see my tiny bump of a stomach.

“Of course, I miss you daily.” He pulled me in for a hug.

“Youseff, look I gotta just tell you something before we do anything else.” I wasn’t really looking forward to this, I didn’t want to lose Youseff.

“Sure.” He replied, simply, grinning at me.

“This is hard for me to tell you and I never meant for this to happen. I never thought it would happen, I’m pregnant Youseff. It’s your baby.” As soon as the words left my mouth my shoulders slumped, my head bowed and I couldn’t look at him to gauge his reaction.


Instead of saying anything, Youseff reached down and gently placed a hand on my tiny stomach, he felt around for a bit and then started to chuckle. His chuckle turned into a laugh, which puzzled me, I couldn’t understand why he wasn’t running away.

“This wonderful! I never thought we be bound by such thing.” Youseff’s English was a little hard to understand, but he was definitely happy that I was pregnant. This couldn’t have turned out any better, I was thrilled Youseff wanted this.


Youseff had happily agreed to move in, but asked if he could bring his dog Mushu with him, since he had no one to look after him long term in Egypt and didn’t want to get rid of him. Mom and dad didn’t mind and now Leaha had a friend, who she was taking to very nicely.


Along with Youseff moving in, he also proposed to me, even though we had kind of had more of a long distance relationship he felt it would be right if we were married. He didn’t want someone to have his child and the child to grow up without him married to her, Youseff was pretty old school when it came to stuff like this. It was a good thing, though, I happily accepted his proposal. We weren’t just agreeing to be married because of the baby, however, we actually really truly loved each other and I knew we would be together for a long time.

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