Gen. 2 ~ Chapter 2


That was the last we had ever seen of Gus, Tatiana, and Leo. On the way to their new house they had been in a head on collision, they had been killed instantly. None of us could believe that such a happy day would turn into such a devastating time. My brother, his new wife, and my dog were now dead and they were never coming back. None of us quite knew what to do with ourselves, all I remember was that there was a lot of crying. My mom got a digital picture frame and put all the pictures from Gus’ wedding in it. Today was a horrible day.


My sister and I decided to go on a trip to Egypt and let my parents grieve on their own. We both could use the distraction of a new place anyway, this would be good for all of us. Since Gus can no longer continue writing about the family, I have taken over. I’ll document everything that goes on in my life, my parents life, and my kids, well once I have kids that is.

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Egypt was absolutely beautiful, I had never seen anything like it before. It surely would help my sister and I get our minds off our brother, but it also made both of us wish he could have come with us. It sure would be nice to have him here with us now, but hopefully we’ll be able to find something to do to keep our minds somewhere else.


I was so excited to start treasure hunting and got to it right away, finding old coins and ancient relics in the tombs of an abandoned shed or cave. This might honestly be what I want to do with the rest of my life, I had pure joy every time I found every secret room and treasure box in an ancient tomb. This really might be my calling.


Ana wanted to try her hand at snake charming, but didn’t get too far since the snake never came out of the basket. I told her she really needed to learn from a local, but she insisted she would do it herself.


Ana also did a bit of relic collecting herself, digging up some old buried relics and bones. Most of it was broken, but sometimes she found something that might have a little bit of value.


She was also loving the water here in Egypt, it was crystal clear and warm at any and every time you went in it.

Egypt was a beautiful place to be, I almost didn’t ever want to go home, I almost wanted to live here. I knew I couldn’t do that to my family, however, what with just losing Gus, Leo, and Tatiana and the death of my dad’s mom, Sofia a few months before that. My parents definitely needed me right now, I couldn’t just pick up and move this far away. I would definitely dream about it, however.


I was meeting a lot of local people, just in case one day I did want to move here, once everything calmed down back at home anyway. One day, once I’m married I would love to move here and treasure hunt every single day.


We opted to stay in tents instead of a fancy hotel, to really be able to enjoy the landscape and experience a little bit better. It wasn’t bad at all sleeping in the tent, since it was camped on top of some nice Egyptian sand, I actually kind of liked it.


My sister and I ate together in the morning and at night, but otherwise most of our trip we spent by ourselves doing whatever we pleased.


I met a man named Youseff one of the days, who actually really caught my eye. I was thinking about possibly dating once I got back home, but maybe I could date someone from Egypt. Who knows, maybe if I married someone from Egypt we would all live together there and mom and dad would then be able to visit if they wanted, or even get a house next to ours.

I am getting a little bit ahead of myself, however, since I’m not dating anyone. I don’t even know if Youseff is single.


The pyramids were beautiful all lit up at night, I couldn’t believe this place.

The rest of the trip went great, with me exploring tomb after old tomb. I was really enjoying myself…

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Until one day when I decided to peek into a sarcophagi and to my surprise and horror out popped a mummy! He chased after me for a while and finally grabbed me. We fought for a little while, but thank goodness I was able to get away from him before anything went seriously wrong. I know one thing’s for sure, I won’t be opening and sarcophagi any time soon.



Just as fast as the trip started, it also ended and soon enough we returned back home all in one piece.

It was good to be home, safe and sound, but it was also hard. It was a rough reminder that we would never see our brother again, that he would never come walking through those red doors with a big grin on his charming face. I sure would miss my big brother.


To show Gus how much we loved him, Ana and I put two of the pharaoh relics we found in his room knowing that he would have loved them if he were still here.

Mom had admitted that she had been sleeping in Gus’ bed, so she could smell him and still feel close to him. It was a sad time our family was going through, there was no way to ease the pain.


My mother threw herself into her gardening to help distract her a bit, every day she would add a new plant to it expanding it just a bit more. Since my mom was distracted with the garden, my dad tried to get overtime at the hospital as much as he could, not wanting to sit home by himself. By the time my dad would get home from all his extra shifts he would be so tired, he’d go straight to bed.


Ana, on the other hand spent a lot of time out and about, where she met her new friend Andre Blanco. Ana had never really taken a real interest in any man before, so it was interesting to watch her relationship with Andre grow.


Soon enough, Ana invited Andre to our house and shared her very first kiss right there in front of dad in the wine cellar. I couldn’t believe it when she told me, but I sure did congratulate her. Even though Gus wasn’t here anymore Ana was still living her life to the fullest, falling in love, exploring the town, finding a new job. I hoped my parents would be able to get out of their depression soon.


Even though they tried to distract themselves during the day, I would here them fooling around in bed at night. It didn’t bother me at all, because I knew it was probably helping them to be together, to lean on each other through this extremely hard time.

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