Gen. 1 ~ Chapter 6

Even with how busy Cruz always was little Gus was just the apple of his daddy’s eye. It was clear to me that we could definitely handle having more children and that we really were just cut out to be parents. I was so excited to see in the next few weeks if I would pop again just like I had when I was pregnant with Gus.

Not only did Cruz make time for our son, but he also always made sure to make time for our dogs. When Thomas got fleas Cruz would always make sure to brush him with the special brushes and combs and bathe him. Sometimes he even contracted fleas himself because he would spend so much time trying to get them off of Thomas.

I had finally popped, that meant we were definitely going to have another child! I was so excited to be a second time mom, I’ve been so excited for this moment it’s surreal that it’s actually here. I couldn’t wait to tell Cruz and see his reaction. Gus was absolutely wonderful and I loved him with all my heart but it would be really nice for him to have a sibling and for Cruz and I to have another little baby for us to love.

I had cooked for Cruz and I, prepared for when he came home from work.

“Darling, I have something to tell you.” I grinned at Cruz ready for his ecstatic reaction to the news of our next child.

“What are you thinking for names?” Cruz asked, surprising me that he already knew.

“How did you know?” I asked, trying to mask my confusion.

“You’ve been throwing up, moody, excited, and gaining weight. I work at a hospital baby, of course I know.” He explained.

“Oh, well I don’t know really. I’m kind of hoping for a girl since we already have Gus, so I know I like Anastasia for a girl. What are you thinking?”

“That’s pretty, we could call her Ana for short. I was thinking Jack for a boy, you know how much I love my little boy. Of course, that’s what I’m hoping for again.” He grinned at me, almost challenging me that the baby would be a boy since that’s what he wanted.

Gus had grown a lot in the time since I had found out I was pregnant, he had developed my blonde curly locks. Cruz’s big brown eyes looked out at me from Gus’ face and some of his many adorable features.

With the money Cruz had been making lately we had a lot of extra and decided to remodel a couple of rooms in our ever growing house.

Mine and Cruz’s master bedroom.

Gus’ future bedroom.

The kitchen/dinning room.

And the new pet room.

Gus was growing up so quickly, Cruz and I had been working very hard at his potty training so we would no longer have to change any more dirty diapers. I had already taught our little boy how to walk across the floor to one of his toys and he was even saying a few words.

One early morning I started to feel the excruciating pain in my abdomen as I had once before when I was going into labor with Gus. I knew it was time for me to have our second child, I tried to stay as calm as I could as I gripped my bulging belly with one hand and shook Cruz awake beside me.
“What is it?” Cruz asked peeping one eye open at me.

“I don’t want you to panic, but it’s time.” I tried my hardest to keep my face composed as I told him, but it didn’t help much. Cruz’s eyes bugged out and he jumped from the bed groping around the night stand for his glasses. He quickly threw his clothes on and was by my side of the bed in record time helping me up.

“How do you feel? Any light headedness? Is your tongue swollen?” Cruz asked worriedly going over a list of symptoms with me.

“Can you just get me to the hospital?” I asked, trying not to scream at my caring husband as another contraction rippled through my body. Cruz swept me up in his arms and carried me out to the car, running back inside to grab Gus and put him in his car seat.

“We’ll be there soon baby, it’ll be ok.” Cruz assured me jumping into the drivers seat and flooring the car out of the drive way and down the road.

After a long while later we arrived home safe and sound with not just one baby but two. It had turned out that I had been carrying twins this whole time and not had any clue. Since the name I liked was for a little girl we named the oldest Anastasia, who is the one on the left in Cruz’s arms. We obviously hadn’t picked out any other names, but I had picked Anastasia so I left the decision of our second baby girl’s name to my husband. He decided he liked the name Druzella, and that was that. Druzella is the one cradled in my arms in the picture above. We were, of course, very shocked to find out we had two new babies to care for on top of little Gus. At the same time, however, we were both very excited to have the experience of having twins.

The wine making machine had broken and since Cruz was at work, but usually fixed it for me I decided I would try and fix it on my own. I was electrocuted by hitting the wrong wire with my wrench and rushed to the hospital with third degree burns.

My husband had taken very good care of my burns in the hospital and made me promise to never try fixing that machine on my own again. The love between us was endless and we were constantly getting very physical and romantic with one another. We had such a happy, wonderful marriage, it was as if everything in my life right now was completely perfect.

I had decided I should probably get myself a job, I didn’t want to leave my kids, but it would be really good for me to get out of the house for a little bit each day and make a little bit of extra money for us. Gus followed me to the door my first day of work, it was so hard for me to try and usher him back inside. I ended up having to close the door in his face, knowing I would be back soon was the only thing that kept me going through my whole day at work.

At work someone had told me Cruz had been having an affair with this doctor at the hospital through almost our entire marriage. I couldn’t just sit back and wait any longer, if this was true it would ruin my whole life. As soon as I got home I pulled Cruz outside by our big, blue hydrangea bushes.

“You little home wrecker!” I screamed at him, not able to hold my rage back any longer. Cruz pulled away from me, his mouth dropping open.

“What are you talking about, Estella?” He asked in pure shock,

“Oh don’t even sit there like you have no idea what I’m confronting you about. This has been going on for way too long Cruz Martingale! Admit to what you’ve done wrong already!” I yelled back, tears starting to form in my blue eyes.

“Estella, I-I don’t know what you mean. Please!” He begged, tears also welling up in his own eyes.

“You’ve been cheating on my this whole time Cruz, I don’t even want to look at you anymore.” I turned away, not wanting to hear what he had to say for himself. I ran into the house and locked the door picking up Anastasia and snuggling her close to me. I cried into my little baby, she wouldn’t know the difference. I tried not to let Gus hear me, I just couldn’t explain this whole thing to his little ears right now. I didn’t want any of my three beautiful children to ever know what their father had done.

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