Gen. 1 ~ Chapter 4

It had taken me a little while to figure out what kind of job I wanted to have, but finally landed on education. I figured I would be good with kids, or if I wasn’t it would give me the experience I needed for my own one day. So far, all I could land was being a playground monitor, but you had to start out small anywhere. Cruz, on the other hand, started out as a bed pan cleaner in the hospital. He was very quickly moving up the ranks, however, he was good at what he did and I was proud of him. I just hoped that I could be just as good at my new job as he was at his.

Bellaboosh had grown so quickly, so I decided to try and teach her how to hunt thinking maybe we could sell some of the things she dug up. We were a little bit short on cash, but I knew we would get by. Especially with my added income and now Bellaboosh’s hunting we might even start having a little bit of extra money.

One night after work Cruz and I were just cuddling in bed telling each other about our days, when things got a little steamy. It was wonderful to have a husband to do these kinds of things with. I wondered, at times like these, what my father would think of my husband if he was still alive. I wondered if things would have been different, if I would have even met Cruz or if dad would have saw my step mother’s true colors and divorced her. Who knows, we could have moved to a different town and I would never have met Cruz. I guess, it’s true that everything happens for a reason. At least I wouldn’t have to live the rest of my life with my step family, at least I only had to endure it for a few years and not my entire life. I would see to it that my children would never, ever have to go through that kind of thing.

“Estella?” Cruz whispered gently kissing my neck, “What are you thinking?” He caught me off guard with his question, I didn’t really want to talk about all this with him right now. I just wanted to focus on him, and our time together right now.

“Just about how things might have been different if my father had never died, how I might not have had you in my life.” I had to tell him, he had asked and I didn’t want to lie to him just because I was uncomfortable sharing things about my father with anyone. As if he sensed my discomfort he gently brushed my hips with his hand and found his way down from there.

“Do you really, really love me?” He whispered as he pleasured me.

“Of course.” I managed to breathe out.

“Do you want to be with me forever no matter what.”

“Cruz, oh! Of course, I married you.” I could barely manage to speak to him let alone discover the hidden meaning behind his questions.

“Do you want to add something else to our family?” He abruptly stopped to look into my eyes as he asked this question. I didn’t answer with words, rather, showed him with my body. This was what I had been waiting for.

I had started a little garden, which I liked to call my wine garden. After Cruz and I had finished upstairs he had fallen asleep, but I couldn’t seem to settle my mind. Instead of laying in bed letting my mind wander as i listened to Cruz’s steady breathing I found myself out in the wine garden. I viciously pulled weeds from strangling my plants and gently gave them the water they needed.

Now that Cruz and I had actually done the deed I found myself thinking that maybe I wasn’t as ready as I thought I was for children. I had just been fired from my job at the local school for mouthing off to one of the teachers about how she was treating certain kids in her class better than others. It just so happened, that this teacher was the principals wife. I guess that didn’t really have anything to do with my parenting skills, but it still did discourage me.

The mornings were rough on my stomach and I usually had a date with the toilet for at least a half hour spilling my guts into it. Definitely not a good thing, it seemed as though I might be pregnant. Only time would tell.

Bellaboosh had really taken a liking to little Thomas, she was quite a bit older than him but that didn’t stop them from playing for hours with each other. They were quite the little pair together and we really did enjoy having them in our lives. Little Thomas was much more aggressive than Bella, he also loved to play and would follow us around the house pulling at our pant legs to try and get our attention. Bella was sweet and docile, but was becoming very adventurous with her new hunting skills. We didn’t mind if she went far from the house, she would always be back before we went to bed and would usually always come home with a present for both Cruz and I. Bella had been finding some interesting stones, which we sold for a bit more money than I would have ever expected something a dog would find to be worth. Both dogs were a wonderful blessing to our life and were truly like our very first children. Cruz and I loved them with all of our hearts and having children would not make these great dogs be worth any less to us.

It wasn’t long after my morning sickness until I started to show a tiny bulge in my normally flat stomach. I was honestly very excited now, I had gotten over that scared feeling and was now back to being ecstatic about being a mommy. Cruz hadn’t really noticed a change in my shape and neither did I until this morning when I woke up, it’s like they say I just kind of popped finally. I decided I would finally tell Cruz the good news once he got home from work, since that night we made this baby he hadn’t really talked much to me about having kids. I wasn’t sure if maybe he got cold feet, or maybe he was just waiting patiently to see what happened. Sometimes my husband was difficult to read.

I had been gardening all day so I could see exactly when Cruz got home and tell him before he even walked in the door. Sure enough he arrived home right on time and I called him over. His face was concerned, until he approached me and saw the giant smile plastered on my face and the baggier shirt I was wearing.

“What’s going on?” He asked slowly, returning the smile I was wearing.

“Baby, I’m pregnant, it worked! We’re going to have a little baby!” I was too excited, I couldn’t work him up to it I just blurted it out. He picked me up in his strong arms and spun me around in the air smothering me with kisses.

“I never thought I would have a kid of my own, I never thought I would want one until I met you. I can’t wait, Estella, this is fantastic news.” He smiled brighter at me and placed his warm hands on my small belly. He felt around my stomach for a while gently whispering to it like our baby really could hear him, it was the cutest thing. If ever a mother was “glowing” it was me and it was now.

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