Gen. 1 ~ Chapter 2

Living with Cruz was wonderful, we would swim during the day, roast marshmallows at night, watch movies. It was like a dream living here. He was always there for me, if I needed his shoulder to cry on or if I had to tell someone about the horrible nightmares I was having. He never judged or told me I was stupid for staying as long as I did, he understood. Sometimes he would just sit and let me talk for hours while he held me or stroked my hair, it was a great therapy for me. Even though I would never really forget what happened, this helped to ease the pain and make me feel safe.

We hadn’t just gotten engaged for no reason, of course, there had to be a wedding that followed. I walked out onto the pool deck in a beautiful dress Cruz’s mother, Sofia, had helped me pick out. Since I had no money, Sofia graciously told me she would love to pay for it. We had started to become friends even. I felt so beautiful, I never ever would have dreamed I would be getting married to such a wonderful man, in such a beautiful dress. It was a warm night, the pool gave back our reflections, we had invited a few of Cruz’s closest friends and of course Sofia.

When I reached Cruz his mouth dropped open, “You are absolutely stunning, gorgeous my love.” He grinned at me, gently taking my hand in his own. I blushed, looking down at our joined hands I leaned into him and whispered in his ear.

“You’re very handsome, I love you so very much.” I smiled at him, blushing again.

We exchanged our vows and rings, there was so much love between us every guest at the wedding could even feel it. Engraved on both of our rings it said the date of the wedding and the best thing to ever happen to me.

It was a beautiful wedding, I felt like the luckiest girl in the entire universe, nothing could make me happier than I am today. I found my prince charming, my only other wish would be that my father was still alive to witness this and love both of us. I had to think that maybe he was, maybe one day he would come back to find me and be a part of this new family I now had not the old horrible one my step family was.

Sofia had surprised us and had a cab waiting to take us to the airport. She told us she had planned a wonderful honeymoon for us and to have a lovely time. We were both so shocked, but also thrilled at the same time.

“Cruz, your mother is wonderful. I would never have expected this.” I told my new husband as he closed the door behind us.

“I can’t believe she went to all this trouble for us, she is a great lady most of the time.” He replied, gently cradling my small hand in his much larger one.

“What do you mean most of the time?” I asked, puzzled that he wouldn’t say she was the most wonderful mother in the world. She had, after all, just went through all this planning and money for us. He sighed, gently stroking my cheek.

“She just, when I was young she left my father and moved us here. I didn’t want to lose my father, but she never let me speak to him or see him after we moved. She made me come with her, she had the court give her full custody of me. It was bad enough that I couldn’t speak to my father, but she also would bring home…” Cruz trailed off looking down at our intertwined hands. I gently picked his chin up to look at me and gave him a gentle peck on the lips.

“It’s okay, Cruz, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. I love you and your mother no matter what.”

“No, I do want to tell you, its just hard. I miss my dad, we were good friends at one point and I haven’t spoken to him since we moved here. My mother, she also would bring men from around the town home with her. Usually it was a different man every night, she didn’t care if they were married or even if they had families of their own. I think she just wanted to feel wanted again, but I don’t know why she couldn’t have just stayed with my dad. I never told her how I felt, or that half the men she had been with had families and I knew their children and that it would rip their family apart if anyone ever found out.”

“Oh Cruz, I’m so sorry you had to go through that. Maybe we can try and find your dad someday.”

“It’s okay, I’m glad I finally got to tell someone who cares. Its been too long, he doesn’t live where he used to I don’t want to have to hunt him down. I-I don’t even know him anymore. Lets just enjoy our honeymoon now, my love.” He smiled at me leaning in to kiss me, he put his strong arms around my waist and pulled me onto his lap covering me with kisses. I laughed at him, he loved me so much, he was so silly. He knew how to change the mood from sad to happy and playful in the blink of an eye. I loved my husband so very much.

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