Gen. 1 ~ Chapter 1

It had been a while since I had met Cruz, the boy I had fallen in love with upon first glance. He had sent me a letter, a risky thing to do, thank goodness I usually always check the mail.

It reads:

Dear Estella,

It has been 5 years since I last saw you. (After Cruz kissed me my step mother no longer let me go to school) I always wondered what happened to you, I really hope you’re alright. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that day, I know that sounds really stupid but it’s very true. Any other girl I meet just isn’t good enough, they just aren’t you. Please, if you still think about me, meet me. I’ll be at Sandy Beach Shores for the next week every single day waiting for you. If you don’t come, I just might have to show up at your house.

With Love,

Yours Truly,


After a note like that I just had to meet him, I couldn’t let him down even if it meant another beating from my step sisters.

As I walked up the sandy banks to the dock I saw him, he still wore those dorky sunglasses but instead of jeans and a tee shirt he wore a tuxedo.

“Cruz.” I breathed, as he pulled me into a tight hug.

“Estella, your really here, I thought I’d never see you again.” He squeezed me tight to him gently kissing my hair and releasing me.
“I’m sorry if that was too much, but I feel like I already know you so well. All I do is think about you.” He looked down, bashfully, I put my hand under his chin and turned it towards me.

“I’ve thought about you a lot too, I’m risking a lot to be here because you’re a very special person.”

“What do you mean? What are you risking?” He looked confused, of course he was confused who would ever understand what I was made to go through every day. Cruz grabbed my hand and walked with me to the dock.

“I hope your hungry.” He told me grinning at the little picnic he had set up for us.

“This is wonderful.” I said, helping myself to some watermelon, something I was never allowed to have at home.

“So what did you mean by what you said?” He asked gently, looking at me with concern on his face.

“I-I don’t know if I should tell you.” I replied, watermelon juice dripping from my chin.

“I promise I won’t judge you, or tell anyone for that matter. I’ve been waiting 5 years to find out why you won’t see me, please tell me.” That’s all he needed to say, I kind of did owe it to him. I knew I could trust him and it would feel so good to finally be able to tell someone all of the things I had to go through. I decided I would tell him, I told him what happened with my father and all that followed.

After I told him everything he pulled me to my feet, getting down on one knee he pulled out a small velvet box, inside was a ring.

“I know it’s so soon and we really don’t know each other, but come with me. Agree you’ll marry me and live with me and my mom, we have a spare room anyway. I can’t let you go back there to that, I won’t allow it. Even if you don’t want to marry me at least come and stay in the spare room until you can get on your feet.” I couldn’t believe what he had just offered me, but unfortunately, it wouldn’t be enough.

“I can’t, they’ll come after you.” I told him, breaking my own heart that I couldn’t take this amazing offer.

“I won’t let them, they won’t hurt you or me or my family ever. You can’t go back there Estella, that’s not a family, you’re not a slave.” He looked at me longingly, squeezing my hand in his.

“I guess we could try it, but I really don’t want you to get hurt.”

“Estella, you will be completely safe with me, no one will ever harm you again.” He slid the ring on my extended hand and hugged me, rubbing my back soothingly as I sobbed into his shoulder.

“I’m free.” I whispered.

“Well this is it, your rooms upstairs. Whichever room you like, no one uses the ones upstairs. We have a pool out back and a hot tub, I don’t know if you swim but you’re welcome to it. If you want, maybe later we could go out.” He smiled at me as he told me all of these wonderful things. I never knew life could be like this.

“Thank you, so much.” I said shyly.

“Anything you want, you have it. Just ask me.” He said gently kissing my cheek.

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